tuckers pov pt.1

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!!trigger warning : drug use mentions, death mentions, accidental overdose mention!!

Rosemary has always been a handful. I'm in no way perfect. In fact, I'm quite the opposite of perfect. I think thats why she and I fit together so well.

Before she met Lilly and me, she was possibly at her lowest point. As far as details go, I don't know much. She only tells me about it when I ask, and I'm not really in the habit of asking personal questions. From pieces I've come to the following conclusion. Mary ran away from home on and off for her high school years. At this point, she was into some harder drugs. Shes never told me exactly what. I know she isnt proud of it. Back then, she knew a beautiful girl. She tells me that she sees her face in the women shes loved. This girl was everything to her. One day, things went too far. They would fight sometimes, but it was getting worse. Mary got a call from her late one night, but by the time she got to her, she was too far gone. The girls parents said it was an accidental overdose, but mary has always blamed herself. Nothing could change her mind.

She so much better now, but theres still a ways to go. She has good days and bad days like anybody else. Her bad days just tend to be real  bad. today was somewhere in the middle.

The difference between me and her is that i can never sleep and she cant go without it. She wears PJs every second shes in the house.

It was 2am and I was going to the kitchen to get some cereal. As usual, she was knocked out on the couch. Also as usual, she fell asleep watching scooby doo. (this time it was Scooby Doo, Where Are You, the somewhat more recent one.) She had a sort of obsession over that series. I guess its a childhood nostalgia thing.

I always felt bad about her sleeping on the couch. Since we couldnt afford too great of an apartment and i never slept anyways, we shared a king sized bed. As a sort of repayment for her putting up with me, I often pick her up and carry her to bed. I'm not really a strong guy, but shes not too heavy either. She was half asleep when i lugged her into my arms, but she was too tired to resist. She made a sort of "mmrr" sound and gave me a weak smack on the cheek. I just laughed.

As soon as i set her down on the bed, she was down for the count.

I went back to make my cereal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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