Chapter 1

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I'm not really sure how long I've been in prison now. Time has passed so slowly and every day seems so mundane. It's always the same routine, breakfast at the same time, lunch at the same time. The occasional time you're allowed outside. I have a balcony, it's not much, but it's a balcony. It has a cage around it, so we can't jump off it or have things passed from balcony to balcony.

I've been pretty lucky, even though my cell (which is more like a restricted apartment) is made for two, I've never had someone else stay with me. Maybe the prison officers are worried that I'll be influenced by them. Apparently, I'm the most well behaved person in this prison. To be honest, I don't doubt it. Most of the guys are two heads taller than me (I'm only 5'5", I know right) and have muscles the size of beer cans. Not that we're allowed alcohol or anything. It's banned, just like most things. No unauthorised objects. The few things we're allowed are pictures and books. Nothing else, except with permission.

The only picture I have hanging up is of me and Pete. I miss Pete. He felt like more than a best friend to me. He would help me in the darkest moments. He would be the light that shone through the dark. Just because I made a bad mistake, I haven't seen him since the day. I'm a shit human.

The lights were dim in the bar, and there was little talk. There were only a few people left, it was late, so that was no surprise. I sat at the bar, staring into the distance. I didn't want to stop with the drinks, I liked the feeling of the alcohol rushing through your veins. One more drink won't harm anyone. I picked up my drink, turned around, and headed to the loos. When I got into the bathroom, I looked up in the mirror. There was someone standing behind me. He looked evil. I don't know if it was the alcohol or it was real, but he had a knife in his hand. He got closer.

"Stay still, and it won't hurt..."

The man whispered. I was genuinely fearing my life. Before he could get any closer, I quickly turned around and smashed the glass I was carrying over his head, before picking up one of the pieces and repeatedly stabbing the man. I could hear the man shout in pain, and I laughed.


I didn't want to lose Pete. Just because I killed someone. I was told the man wasn't carrying any sort of weapon at the court. I was going mad. I couldn't believe myself. And that's how I ended up here. I got a life sentence, for murder. And thanks to that, I lost my best friend too.

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