🍎Apples ~

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I love apples! They taste good and they're very red, also very shiny,
They are very tasty, but compared to the world they are very tiny.

I bit one side of it, my mouth had the best feeling in the world!
It flew right passed by me, more like it swirled.

Since it was so great, I decided to have a friend try a bit.
She took a bite on the opposite side, but she screamed and vomit nonetheless spit.

I asked and question what she had tasted,
She responded "This is abhorrent, who made this creation?"

"I don't know why you find it so different, I mean to me it tasted good to me."
"Worst thing in my life, you clearly can't see."

From that day on I learnt something from that crazy ride,
One might see good, or bad to a side.

After that one apple she wouldn't ever budge,
So don't be the one , so quick to judge.

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