Get Used To It

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"Luke Hemings, please report to the front office."
The intercom cracks as it says my name.  I stand up and look at my home room teacher. She nods and excuses me. I walk to the office. Two more months until the school year is over. I'll be a senior. One more year of hell.

I walk into the office and go to the front desk. The woman gives me a slight smile.
"You'll be showing Calum around. He's new, you both have the same schedule. Be nice." She says, pointing to the tan skinned boy sitting in a chair. She hands me a paper. "Follow." I say, looking at him and walking out the door. I look at his locker number.

I put in his combination and open his locker, and then hand him his paper. "First period is supposed to start soon." I say. He nods and sits his bag in the locker. "I'm Luke." I say. "I'm Calum." He says, looking in his locker. He sorts his books and takes his sweet time- it doesn't bother me though. I rather not go back to home room. The bell rings and he shuts his locker. "We have history first. Better get your book." I say. He sighs and opens his locker again.

As we walk down the hall, people fill it up. People constantly get pushed into lockers. "Try to get to your class as fast as possible." I say. Someone in front of us gets slams into a locker hardly. I look at him, and he looks scared out of his mind. "Or that happens."

"Finals is two weeks away. Since I've been gone for quite sometime, the test will not be big." Mrs. Jane says. Calum taps my arm. I look at him and he jumps back a bit. "Sorry... but is this class hard?" He asks. I shake my head. "You're allowed free time, I have papers to get graded today." Mrs. Jane says. Everyone starts talking. A girl named Casey turns around in her chair. "Don't get involved with the Luke Hemmings, he's kinda bad." She says, smiling.

I bite on my lip ring and shrug. "You're wrong on the 'kinda' part." I tell her. She rolls her eyes. "Sorry Mr. Know-It-All." I look at Calum. "She's just mad that I broke up with her." I say, he slightly laughs. "I broke up with him, because he cheated." "It's not my fault other people blow better." I wink at him.

"You can sit with me at lunch, since you only know me and the school slut. And I'm pretty sure I'm more attractive." He gives me a confused look. "Let me guess, you love yourself more than any girl?" He asks. "And guy." I say as we walk into biology. He stays quiet. As we sit down girls start to turn back and look at him. I look at him and raise my eyebrow. He blushes and opens his book, pretending to read.

He really is something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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