02 // nightmares

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A dark blue sky. It slowly filled my vision with no stars in sight. Not even a moon to shine light on me, nor lead my way into consciousness. I walked around for quite sometime as many words ran through my mind. Conceal your mind from people who cannot help but be curious. An old voice of mine stated in my mind. I wondered what that meant, wondering who could look into my mind or even have the power to do so. I kept on thinking and wondering for quite some time. I then remembered the figure that pulled me into this endless slumber, a figure that seemed so familiar to me, familiar to a description of evil in the books I've read. I mentally gasped, knowing exactly where the figure came from. It must have been someone from the Night Court, or more importantly, the Court of Nightmares.

I questioned how this could be, realizing that these people shouldn't exist in my world. Thinking for a moment, the answer popped into my head. The Books. They were glowing, they must have made me seem slightly more human before throwing me into the imagined world of Sarah J. Maas. I then remembered the statement from earlier, but who must I conceal my mind from? I thought, and thought, and thought. Wait, Rhysand?! No, it can't be. It's maybe someone else from the Court of Nightmares. Wait, why is it, is it saying that I'm going into, or currently in, the Court of Nightmares?! I panicked, not knowing what to do or how to escape if things went badly. I wondered if I could use my Fae magic to run away or defend myself, or if The Books took that away from me as well.

Conceal your mind. My old voice stated once more, making me remember to not panic and stay focused. I wondered how to conceal my mind before mentally face palming, as I already knew what to do. "A wave. A wave of self, of me, to sweep all of him out. I didn't let him see the plan take form as I rallied myself into a cresting wave and struck." I remembered reading those few sentences. That's how I'll get them out if they ever come into my mind. Now to keep them out for good. . ""Not yet" He said. "Shield. Block me out so I can't get back in." I already wanted to go somewhere quiet and sleep for a while. Claws at that outer layer of my mind, stroking. I imagined a wall of adamant snapping down, black as night and a foot thick. The claws retracted a breath before the wall sliced them in two."

I thought for a moment on those words and instructions stated in the book, hoping that I would remember them when the time came to conceal my mind from from curious people. I knew that if Rhysand was the one trying to infiltrate my mind, I probably wouldn't even last a second since I was just an ordinary Fae and he was a powerful Half-Illyrian and Half-High Fae High Lord of the Night Court. I hoped to whatever higher being out there that when I had to conceal information about myself, they wouldn't be able to get the truth easily or at all. It was all stressful really, and it took some time to get everything that happened to me in the last couple months to actually sink in again for those few moments of dark silence.

I felt everything start becoming heavy, and I wanted to curl up in a ball like I always did and hide from everything. Hiding was always what I did for my whole life. I hid my secret of being Fae, my eyes, my emotions and feelings; but most importantly, I hid from my family and friends. "Why is everything so heavy?" I heard your voice sing and echo out into the darkness, surprised that I was actually able to talk in this state of mind. "Holding on, so much more than I can carry. I keep dragging around what's bringing me down. If I just let go, I'd be set free. Holding on, why is everything so heavy." My voice sang. It was not as beautiful as it used to be but it still was quite impressive, seeing as I haven't used it in a while. It had a rasp to it, which made me slightly disappointed. As soon as I got back home safe and sound, I would try to fix that problem by practicing more.

Instead of singing the rest of the song, I decided to hum it. It was called "Heavy" by Linkin Park. I loved this band and one of my other favorite songs done by them was, "What I've Done". As soon as I was done humming the first song, I hummed said other favorite song just for fun and to pass time, seeing as I probably wouldn't come back to consciousness any time soon. I started to feel slightly more awake, even though I was still very unconscious, making me wonder why this sudden shift was happening. Quicker than I could realize, a blinding light started making its way towards me and startled me. Before I could even react to it, it surrounded my body and eye sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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