Agape to Eros

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"Shy. If I were to use one word, a single word, to describe myself, I would use the word shy."

It's been one year. It's been a whole year since Silver. I know I promised Viktor Gold, but can I really do it?

"Yuri! Listen to me!" Viktor yelled as he watched the tears stream down my face. "Turn on the Eros. Forget about winning. All you have to do is turn on the Eros." A single tear fell from his eye, he wiped away my tears and pulled me closer. "I know you can do this. Yuri, you swooned thousands of people on national television last year, not only that, but you swooned me."

Then it was time. Time to prove myself. Show the world that I really meant something. That I really wasn't just some reject from Japan.

Toe-loops and spins.

Kisses and hugs.

On the Ice, it's all the same. Every toe-loop, is a kiss and every spin is hug. A warm embracement, for not only the viewer, but for the performer as well. A soft peck of the lips and a careful brush.

Yes, I swooned the audience, but that was not my job. My job was to seduce them.

I was to show my Eros.

Not the Agape that I held.

Seduce, not swoon.

Now... I know the difference.

Eros. Eros. Eros. Eros.

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