Henry x ellie

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(This takes place as you escape the wall) Henry's pov )Ellie just saved you as jeeps from the wall follow you when you heard shots fired behind you . You heard a pop and Ellie screamed what was that. As your looking for what caused the pop you hear more shots fired then a thud that was the last thing you remembered before getting knocked out As that happens you saw Ellie's shirt was cover with blood. When you wake up you were still on the road they must thought we were dead at that moment you remembered Ellie you found her in a pool of blood. You hesitated yo grabbed her and started walking in this weather Ellie could die if she wasn't all ready. As you walked she would twitch . She finally woke up and said Henry ... thanks for getting me out of the wall before going out again as you saw a city in the distance you ran as you got there there was a police officer walking out of a gas station when he saw you he ran over asking what was wrong you said you two were guards at the wall and there was a breakout a couple prisoners got there hands on guns so he wouldn't get to thinking you were prisoners he gave you and Ellie a ride to the hospital you were both sent to x-rays you had a broken scapula and humorous and you right arm should needed to be removed Ellie had to
immediately have surgery if she wanted to live (time skip 2 hours) you sat outside of Ellie's room when the doctor came out and said your wife would be fine you said she isn't my wife oh sorry the doctor said it's ok as the doctor was away you snuck into the room Ellie was awake when she saw you here eyes widened you ran over and asked if she was ok she said yes but would need help walking for the next two days when she saw your right arm was gone she gasped and asked what happened to you're arm you said it had to be removed because my scapula and humerus were broken (time skip 2 weeks later) you were in a relationship with Ellie after you got a robotic arm you asked her on a date she said yes a couple days ago you were at here door knocking when she said just a minute when she came out she was wearing a red dress you we're wearing a white tuxedo

 thanks for getting me out of the wall before going out again as you saw a city in the distance you ran as you got there there was a police officer walking out of a gas station when he saw you he ran over asking what was wrong you said you two wer...

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On the way to the dinner Ellie said Henry thanks you said for what everything and she kissed you on the cheek You said your welcome as you gave her a hug (the end of the first part if you guys want me to make a second part tell me in the comments

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On the way to the dinner Ellie said Henry thanks you said for what everything and she kissed you on the cheek You said your welcome as you gave her a hug (the end of the first part if you guys want me to make a second part tell me in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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