The Humbling News (Misha's POV)

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"CAAAAAAAAAS!" Jensen screamed at the top of his lungs. The screen fades to black with the words "to be continued..." in the center.

"That's a wrap everyone!" Robert shouted. Everyone cheered and started patting us on the back. "Us" being me, Jensen and Jared. Jensen and Jared shared in one of their "brotherly" hugs and then Jensen practically embraced Me. Our publicists walked up to us and started shrieking with excitement.

"Boys!" Our publicist started sprinting towards us like a pack of small featherless Emu.

"A 16-year-old girl in Portage, Michigan has made some requests of you three. She was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple months ago and has decided to take her wish from the "Make a wish" foundation. Her wish was to spend a month with the three of you and have Misha take her to her Junior prom." Jensen and Jared made looks of jealousy at Me while I shrugged but in reality I was very excited that she chose me over them.

"At the end of this month long period, she has requested she star on an episode of Supernatural. We have two pictures of the girl." They handed us a folder with a picture of her pre and post chemo. Jared glanced at the photos and handed them to Me. In her first picture she was full of life and at least seemed happy. Her long flowing brown hair covering her shoulders and her dark brown cow eyes sort of reflecting the light in the back ground like its fireflies. In the second picture, or the more recent one I should say, her hair was no longer flowing and beautiful but short and mannish looking. Her eyes no longer glistened and her smile not as bright. It almost made me cry but I wasn't going to show any of my costars that.

"Her name is Kendall. And she is dying. Are you guys up for giving her the best month of her life?" I thought for a moment. Thought about how much this girl has changed in the past couple of months. I glanced up at Jensen and we exchanged looks. In practical unison Jensen and I said "we'll definitely do it!"

I hope to make her month amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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