Soulmates | Part 2 | Bucky

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It'd been a while since Natasha broke up with Bucky, but he couldn't get over it completely. He always thought Natasha was the one for him, and they were engaged. To be married. In a few months. Steve was there for him when he wanted to talk things out, or to punch things out. But sometimes, Steve brought him out, and dragged you along.

"Come on, Bucky! Let's go try this!" You looked up at him, eyes shining with admiration. He only chuckled, letting you tug him off to do whatever you liked. As much as he hated to admit it, Steve was right. He felt his affection growing for you, but his anger and hurt from being dumped by Natasha was still fresh in his mind. Steve silently egged you on, making sure the three of you spent time together every other day, determined to help Bucky realise who his 'one' really was. Even when Bucky pushed you away, Steve still never gave up hope. And his faith was well placed.

It took three months before Bucky got over Natasha. "Steve, I don't think I love Nat anymore. I still care for her, sure, but I've finally realised that she isn't the one for me." Steve's eyes lit up excitedly, and he crushed Bucky in what he would later insist was a 'manly hug'. "I knew it, Buck! Hurry up already, go give (Y/N) what she's been waiting for!"

Meanwhile, during those few months, you only felt your connection to Bucky get stronger. Since you laid your eyes on him, you could never look away every time he stepped into the room. Seeing him act all cozy with Natasha for the first two weeks you were at the tower made things a lot more complicated. As much as you felt that Bucky was the soulmate you'd longed to meet your entire life, he was engaged to another woman.

It sure didn't help when Steve was practically shoving Bucky on a silver platter right in your face. The gentle way Bucky would tug on your sleeve, or wrap his arm around your waist if a creep came by didn't help you either.

It came as a surprise to you when Bucky admitted that he and Natasha had broken up, and you tried to comfort him as much as he would let you, but he often pushed you away, saying he didn't know if he could be around you either. As far as you knew, you did nothing to make him upset, and it stung when Bucky practically asked you to stay away from him. You did as he requested for a month, although it pained you to do so.

You were even more surprised to see Bucky standing at your doorstep, looking at the ground and fiddling with the ridges on his metal arm. "Yes, Buck?" Crossing your arms, you leaned against the door frame. Still hurt from before, you weren't sure what Bucky would have to say this time round, and your mind, the smarter side of you, told you to just chase him away before he could hurt you again. Your heart, admittedly often the more stupid side, told you to give him a chance, you were still in love with the man after all.

"I know this looks bad, and I've been the biggest jerk to you recently. I needed some time to collect my thoughts, doll. After coming to a conclusion, I realised that you're the one for me. Nat was one of my soulmates, yes, but she wasn't 'the one'." Bucky took your hands in his, rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs. "It was you this whole time, and I was too blind to see it. It took a lot of Steve trying to convince me, and Nat finally speaking up for both of us to understand. I'm sorry I took so long, but I'm certain it's you I want."

Taking your lower lip between your teeth, you already knew your answer.

"I'd love to say yes, Barnes, but I'm not sure exactly what you're asking me." Flashing him a shy smile, you tugged him closer to you. He let out a soft chuckle and pressed his lips to your forehead.

"Doll, it would be the biggest honour for me if you said yes. Would you like to be my best girl, my special partner in crime, the love of my life-" You cut him off with a short peck, laughing as you saw his cheeks tint pink.

"You already got your answer before you asked, Barnes."

"Hell yeah, you owe me twenty bucks, Banner!"

"Really, Tony? Bruce?"

"Who cares, I just won twenty bucks! Pay up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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