Chapter 5

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Just then five other grown looking men appeared through the thickets I pulled out my bow loaded aiming at the one with messy black hairs head. "Relax Niall she's my cousin." He told the blonde haired one that had a arrow trained on my head as well. "You are with them?" I asked my cousin cautiously. He nodded and I dropped my weapon ad they introduce themselves. "Hey were one direction" one with brown hair and brown eyes said to me.

Chapter 5

Christina's POV

Was that her cousin the one with the curly hair I caught the one with curly light brown hair and green eyes staring at me he smiled and winked at me causing me to look at the ground. "Well introduce yourselves." Katharina said rather harshly I might add.

"Well I'm Harry." The one with curly brown hair and green eyes said.

He then pointed to a brown haired boy with bright blue eyes and said. "That's Niall." I nodded at Niall.

"That's Liam." He pointed to the one who originally introduced them selves.

"That's Louis." he pointed to a boy with blueish greenish eyes and a light brown hair.

"And I am Zayn the sexy beast." said the one with black hair and somehow still had a little bit of tan. I saw an alien across the. Clearing and heard Miya scream. She wasn't being attacked and Katharina and Tegen flipped out on her both of them talking at the same time.

"YOU IDIOT DO YOU WANT TO DIE." They both screamed then jumped up into a tree helping the one direction boys up after them. The aliens Were now running at us we ran to the tree me and Areon were helped up but Miya and lily didn't make it and I screamed. Katharina instantly covered my mouth with her hand.i watched as the aliens ran up to the tree well actually ran into it.

"They can't see us Chris They are blind they only use there ears." She whispered in my ear not wanting to get caught by aliens. I nod watching the alien run around our tree trunk but he eventually gets bored and runs off. Katharina runs over to them and kneels down in front of them.

"Yup they're dead." She says examining the bodies.

"Anyways as I was about to say before I was so rudely interpreted I'm Kat that's Chris and that's Areon and the dead ones are Lily and Miya." She said pointing to all of us. They all nod in acknowledgment. Well she seems a lot more open now that she has her cousin. Then again I speak to soon all the time.

"What did you do to my cousin?" She asked rage in her eyes. She was poinying at a huge scar across his cheek.

She had one that was running across her forehead which makes Tegen flip out at us. "What did you do to her?" He questioned the same rage in his eyes. They looked so the same it was scary.

"We didn't do anything." Me and the guy with the black hair said. Kat raised her brow but shook it off. We decided to stay in the clearing the boys had tents and everything so far so good. Later that night a boy with short dirty blonde hair and was rather short ran into the clearing Kat jumped and hugged him he looked a lot like..... that guy the one on her bedroom wall.

"Spence." she squealed confirming my suspicions. We then all sat down and sang around a light flame Katharina's the one direction boys and Tegens voices were absolutely amaZAYN lol.

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