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21. Do the two of you have any interest's or hobbies?

D: Fishing and break-dancing

[Interviewer: What about you Roman?]

R: I can dance, if I want to, if the music's right...but I kinda jive more, like Dean

D: I do not Jive!! I'm an amazing dancer

[Roman turns his head to look at Dean, smiling fondly]

R: He's a PHENOMENAL dancer!!, a great singer and an EXCELLENT storyteller

D: Now he's just trying to butter me up!

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22. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?

R: Like I said, Dean is not a morning person, so I'm usually the first up. He's super grouchy first thing as well-

D: I am not!

R: You are babe. You walk around like a zombie for about an hour and then after you've had a cup of coffee and something to eat you're fine

D: I just don't see the point in getting up early. If I'm tired, I sleep. Simple as that!

[Roman shakes his head slightly as Dean folds his arms across his chest]

R: As I was saying. I'm usually up first so I'll brew the coffee and then go and get Dean up. Sometimes with kisses, and sometimes with something else

[Dean turns his head to look at Roman, smiling brightly as Roman arches an eyebrow at him suggestively]

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23. Who gets the most jealous?

D: There's three things we are good at. Fighting, Drinking and making women fall in love with us!

R: I do have a certain effect on women, you know. Uh I don't even know why

D: But it's cool. It never get's too out of hand. Ro definitely attracts more women that me but I've never had any reason to be jealous about it

R: Yeah in real life I don't really get hit on that much. It's really just, I'm sure it's the camera's or something, they must capture me at a flattering angle, I don't know?

D: We find it funny, we joke about it quiet a lot

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24. Do you remember the first thing you said to one another?

R: Oh wow, what a question!! I think it was something boring like 'nice to meet you' or 'how's it going?'

D: I remember being shocked that he didn't run away from me. Back in development [FCW], when I walked into a building, the seas parted. I was like Moses; a dog with rabies. Nobody wanted to get within 10 feet of me

R: Some of the guys backstage would come up to me and be like 'Why you hanging out with Ambrose? You know he's crazy right?' But I figured out pretty quickly that he was just hiding behind his character to protect himself

D: I definitely had my guard up. I was weary of anyone new. I had a tough life growing up and I didn't trust anyone. So for Roman to actually want to get to know me was strange, but I kinda enjoyed it too. I didn't realize it at the time but I needed that. I needed someone to talk to and confide in

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25. Who does most of the cleaning?

D: We're not home all that often, probably two days a month at the most, so we don't really stay at home long enough to make a huge mess or anything

R: Oh but he makes a mess of our hotel rooms! I'm always picking his clothes up off the floor

D: No one asks you too

R: If I don't someone, usually me, trips over it!

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