You ; Twitter (Special Chapter)

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[ you as their best friend ]
+ a cute scene

[ you as their best friend ]+ a cute scene

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@y/n: Got to spend the whole day with my boys

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@y/n: Got to spend the whole day with my boys. Now we're off to bowl!

tagged: @bts

10.3k likes • 6.4k retweets

@HobiHope: Awe, cute pictures.

@sleepyoongi: There's no Y/N in those pics :(

@RapMonsta: @sleepyoongi Here she is petting dogs.

@RapMonsta: @sleepyoongi Here she is petting dogs

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@KookieMonster: I'm gonna beat ya'll in bowling!

"You wish." You said as you read Jungkook's response to your tweet. The car was filled with different conversations as you all headed to the bowling place.

"It's true! I'm gonna win so bad." Jungkook told you, making everyone roll their eyes at the maknae.

"Stop being so cocky!" Jimin said and everyone agreed. The car stopped and all eight of you got off. You had arrived at the bowling place and you were so ready for this.

"Everyone order your shoes and prepare for getting your ass beat." You said smirking. They all laughed at your words and ordered their bowling shoes.

"Noona, let's split into two groups!" Taehyung suggested. You weren't exactly the oldest, but you were the one in charge.

"Yes! Please, Noona!" Hoseok pleaded.

"Why not?" You answered smiling. You all walked to your assigned lanes. "Okay, everyone listen up! We're splitting in two groups. Namjoon, Seokjin, Jungkook and Hoseok in one team. Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and me in the other. May the odds be ever in your favor."

"Let's do this!" Taehyung yelled.

Yoongi was first in your team's lane. He threw the bowling ball and it slid too towards the right, only knocking one pin. We laughed it off and Yoongi threw again, this time knocking five pins. Then came Jimin, who knocked eight pins on the first try and one on the second

On the other hand, Seokjin was first in the other team. He managed to knock four pins on the first try and three on the second. Up next was Hoseok, who only knocked two pins down.

It went on and on, until it was the last round. Your team was losing by three points and Jungkook and you were the last to bowl. Jungkook went first, he threw the bowling ball and it slid perfectly, but only managed to knock seven pins. "Prepare to lose." Jungkook said and threw the ball again, but it slid to the gutter. You smirked at that, so cocky for nothing.

It was your turn now. You took a deep breath before grabbing the ball. "You can do this, Noona!" Jimin amd Taehyung said at the same time. "Swag!" Yoongi yelled. You threw the ball and closed your eyes, hoping for the best. Suddenly, you were being bombarded by hugs and kisses in the cheek by no other than your teammates. You had scored a strike.

"Y/N! YOU DID IT!" Yoongi screamed and hugged you tight.

"Way to go, Noona!" Taehyung said and hugged you also, along with Jimin.

After they let go, you walked over to the other team and hugged each one except Jungkook. You stood in front of him and he was looking at you angrily.

"Good job, Kookie. You were great." You told him and brought him into a hug. He sighed and hugged you back. He could never stay mad at his favorite Noona.

I tried something different! Hope you guys like it. I was at comic con yesterday so I couldn't post so, sorry! Also, get ready for a new book soon! It's an actual story and I'm finishing the last two chapters.


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