Her home. Where is it?

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  Her long white hair caresses her fine, twinkling cheeks. "Wow.. aumie, is this earth?" Her young and curious voice rings out around her, her lips unmoving as her sparkling lavender eyes dance with the light of the stars surrounding her.

  "Yes, sweet.. you are to observe it. Never intervene. Do you understand?" Ova, Goddess of the rain and wind, the young girls mother, pulls back her ankle length, white hair.
  "Yes, aumie." She exclaims, her head resting on her fragile fingers.

  Earth rotates slowly, her eyes following the quaking figures on the green lands. "Why green?" She mumbles, a single star caressing her pinky finger. The liquid space around her makes her hair rise in a beautiful and chaotic tangle. "Nature, star. Nature." Her mother smirks softly as her voice bounces off their water-like surroundings.
  "Why don't we have nature?" She turns to her aumie, her brow furrowed in confusion. "We are in the outer realm, star. Nature does not exist here. It cannot survive." A call from the tall, broad shouldered, Agnus brings Ova's attention to a large rip in space. A glowing gateway. "Ova.. you are needed." His sharp gaze switches to the younger goddess before he retreats through the open gate.
  "I will return." Her mother mutters, her magnificent frame gracefully floating to the gate. "Behave, please." She turns to her daughter with a gracious smile before disappearing into the bright light. The gate closes, leaving her alone as she continues watching earth. "Can I touch nature?" Her deep, lavender eyes flicked to a light blue as her long fingers approach the spinning globe. "Just once.."
  Her finger tingles lightly. A smile playing on her delicate lips.

  A scorching bright light settles over the teenage girl, sizzling her twilight skin, a screech escaping her pale lips.

"What..? What is this? Where am I?" Her voice exploded in her mind, a white light surrounding her, all of her senses cut off as her body numbs. "Aumie? Aumie please help me." 

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