Brookhaven 9pm

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"Pizza's here!" Aria squealed to the three other girls. As she tore open the box she noticed a note, it read 'Brookhaven Doll Hospital 9pm be there if you want to know what happened to your friend!'
"What? A is helping us?" Emily questioned,
" We dont know that em, for all we know A probably has some crazy plan in mind just like before" Spencer insisted, Spencer was always cautious, she lived with her glass half empty.
"We don't even know A wrote that, no one signed off the note, l mean it could actually be real help" Aria objected to the girls,
"She's right, I mean what's the worst that can happen?" Spencer said,
"OK, I guess were going to Brookhaven" Hannah added with a glum look on her face.
When they walked outside the wind howled and the bitter cold sent shivers down their spines. They loaded into Spencer's car it was quiet, almost too quiet.
"Where even is this place?" Hannah questioned Spencer "I'm freezing and all I want to do is watch a movie and eat pizza"
"20 minutes away, and shut up will you were trying to solve the murder of our best friend and all you can think about is stuffing your face!"
"Oh that's rich, coming from the girl who probably murdered her anyway!"
"His dare you! Get out of my car now!"
"GUYS WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, WE ONLY HAVE 25 MINUTES UNTIL 9PM!" Emily screeched at the top if her lungs.
Spencer and Hannah never really got along as well as the others in the group. Some people say its because they are so similar but others say its because they're so different.
When they reached the doll hospital there was no one there, all they could see was a little boy sitting on the counter, but still they entered. "Um... Wow you're here! I didn't think you were going to come, I know what happened to Alison Dilaurenis" the little boy squealed "oh and by the way I am Eric, honoured to make your acquaintance" the boy looked as if he'd been beaten, bruises all over his face, his clothes torn, and only some parts of his head actually had hair on.
"How do you know? What were you to Ali?" Spencer questioned him, she wasn't convinced one bit.
"How do I know? I'm physcic. What am I too Alison you ask? Well she came in one day with a Mr Fitzgerald enquiring about a voodoo doll she had received and I well just now know."
"I don't believe this!" She laughed.
"How much is A paying you?" Aria questioned. They really didn't believe him but that's a big mistake in Brookhaven, I mean everybody knows that you don't underestimate Eric...

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter as I really enjoyed writing it! The theory part of the story hasn't happened yet and it won't for a couple of chapters but went it does you will love it!

Anyway hope you enjoyed, next chapter coming next Wednesday 🅰

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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