Meine Liebe

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I sat up yawning and looked around my bedroom in the Phantomhive manor. I smiled to myself and looked to my left finding a sleeping Snake next to me, I counted down from 5 and when I hit 0 two little kids raced in and jumped on the bed. A giggle escaped from my lips as I pulled Doll and Ame into a tight hug,
   "Good morning mommy!" They both shouted at the same time. I smiled and put my index finger to my lips motioning to stay quiet so they wouldn't wake up Snake. Then both nodded and jumped out of bed running out of the room, I got up and threw on some clothes then followed them to the kitchen where I found Doll playing with Bard and Ame trying on Finny's hat. I grabbed both Doll and Ame and muttered an apology,
   "Don't worry Miss (Y/N)!" Finny gave a sweet smile,
   "Yeah don't worry about it they are just having fun," Bard said ending my worries, Doll ran out of the room probably to find Ciel since they had gotten so close to each other and Ame went back to playing with Finny. I sighed and sat down at a table in the kitchen thinking this would be a good day until someone decided to make breakfast with his flamethrower. I sighed and took the flamethrower from Bard and handed it to Sebastian who had just walked in with Snake. Sebastian glared at Bard and walked out of the room.

The rest of the day had been nice no fighting and nothing broken, I walked out of Ame's room after reading him a bedtime story and walked to my shared bedroom with Snake and walked into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. I turned on the tub getting the temperature just right before I stripped, I was about to put my foot in before I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist.
   "Mind if I join, Meine Liebe?" I gasped in surprise then nodded and got in the tub and looked up at Snake who had stripped and just sat down,
   "So now you know German?" I questioned Snake who just shrugged,
   "I might have overheard some of Sebastian's teaching when he was teaching Ciel and Doll." I smiled and leaned over to Snake and kissed him and laid my head on his shoulder, he raised a brow at me then looked down and kissed the top of my head.
   "Long day Meine Liebe?" I giggled and playfully punched his arm,
   "Stop saying that, dork," I said as I pulled away and kissed his lips then went back to the end of my tub,
   "And how about you tell me when you learned German since you know what I'm saying." I looked down at the water and giggled.
   "Remember that time Ciel was screaming at dinner because he couldn't say Meine Liebe and Sebastian had to repeat it." Snake looked confused then nodded.
   "Well let's just say I overhear things too." I said sticking out my tongue.

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