What is this?...

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Doll's POV》

I laid on my bed going threw what happened today but as much as I tried my thoughts kept going back to Ciel... his beautiful blue eye and navy blue hair... I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I had to find out what this feeling was... every time I was near Ciel I could never stop smiling and my heartbeat quickened and when I saw his face in wanted to scream since it was just too adorable. I sighed and hugged my pillow and buried my face into it pretending it was Ciel.

《Snake's POV》

I sat up rubbing my eyes, it had been a long day but something kept me up now it felt like something was slithering up my leg. I removed the covers careful not to wake (Y/N) up and when I did I saw Oscar slithering up my leg, he hissed at me but since I was so quiet I didn't hear him instead I just sighed and picked him up, put him on the ground. Walking back to bed I felt something bad all of a sudden my chest hurt and I couldn't breathe right. After I moment or so of controlling my breath I got back in bed and pulled the covers over me and pulled  (Y/N) close to me falling asleep in a light sleep.

Doll's POV》

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes and groaned thinking of the violin lessons I had today with Sebastian. I jumped out of bed and was about to put a dress on until I saw someone in the garden. I slowly opened my door and walked out to the garden to see who it was and when I got there I was overwhelmed by sadness.

Ciel sat on the ground crying his body shaking with every sob, I inched closer,
   "Ciel?" Ciel jumped in surprise and looked at me his eye patch was off exposing the mark the contract left on him,
   "Doll... what are you doing here?" His voice cracking from the crying.
   "I could ask the same," I said as I took a spot next to him on the ground, "Why are you crying?" Ciel looked at the ground tears coming out of this eyes,
   "Lizzy... she's dead."

I'm a Freak book two (Snake x reader)Where stories live. Discover now