TV and Video Games

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Things have gotten violent with TV and video games. Now in them, it's okay to kill. In real life that's terrible. As Christians we know killing is wrong, but sometimes even we can't help resorting to violence or playing violent games. But as nostalgic people, we want to educate our kids in Superheros, Detectives, Cowboys, Mario, Star Wars or even Ghost Busters! We know Inspector Gadget is okay, but what about superheroes? A Christian mom had 2 9 year old boys who's hearts were stuck on watching the R rated Deadpool! Most parents have not really cared about movie ratings, and let 5 or 6 year olds watch PG -13. My younger brother and his friends saw the new Star Wars movie. Since star wars is owned by Disney, it's not really that bad, but you can never be too sure. My advice is watch the movie before them. If there is any profanity (If your kids don't know any profanity then don't watch it. If they do and they know not to say it maybe), sex (absolutely not watching it!), or things like that than NO! But if you think they may be able to endure it ask them questions about what happens (without giving spoilers) like how do you feel about blood?, would someone dying bother you?, things like that. Don't let them play games that encourage violence, are meant to scare, or the characters encourage bad things. I know a Christian family who has a 12 year old daughter who has never seen a PG - 13 movie. She saw the old star wars but when they watched Ms.Peregrine's home for peculiar children, they had to turn it off. She did watch it with her 2 younger brothers. But you have to let them have some room. Watch it alone with you older one(s) and make sure the little kids are asleep. The Lego company does a great job of making their stuff kid friendly. Skylanders,Guilty Party, Six Flags, Just Dance, those are all kid friendly content!

Also remember, if you don't have kids, you still must set a good example. Most Christians prefer that everything be family friendly. It helps you to become better surrounded with children.

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