Midnight Expedition

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When I stepped out of the dingy inn, the sky was overcast by turbulent clouds and the air was thick with humidity. I kept my head low and walked briskly towards my destination, hoping for the rain to hold until I was done with my errand. The weather seemed to follow my train of thought, objecting with thunderous protestations and a bolt of lightening fell a short distance from me.

In the fast-fading glow, my eyes latched onto the figure hurrying ahead of me. Looking both ways to make sure I was free from pursuit, I broke into a sprint just as the heavens above me let loose with a vengeance. My target, despite their heavy outer robe drenched in the rain, moved with surprising swiftness and I had soon lost them. Standing under a flickering gas lamp in peril of going out, I took stock of my surroundings and realised how close I was to the Theatre Royal. On a whim, I moved towards it.

A large number of people were moving towards the entrance and in the crowd, I could not see the one I was looking for no matter how hard I searched. Since I had not paid for the performance earlier in the day as was custom, I had to move to the side once we reached the entrance hall. I moved to one side and watched people enter in droves. A sudden flare of lights had me wincing and I stumbled away. Walking around the building to the rear where there were no lights, I rested against a wall, comfortably wrapped in shadows.

A loud boom came from inside the theatre and I sighed in resignation. Lord only knew how long I would have to wait. My clothes had started to dry and were sticking to me unpleasantly and there was grit in my boots that I could not bear. Suddenly I heard a rustle nearby. I looked up, scanning my surroundings for threat and found a lone figure making its way towards me. I pushed myself away from the wall and that was when I spotted the Smith and Wesson held loosely in my opponent's right hand. My heart beat an unsteady rhythm against my ribs and anticipation ran hot through me at the prospect of a physical confrontation.

"The gun is my precaution," a decidedly feminine voice declared, the figure stopping a little distance away from me. "Will you follow me amicably?"

I raised my hand to the hood of my cloak and she pointed the barrel of her gun at me. With a quick flick of my wrist, I threw back my hood and saw the gun lower at the sight of my face. "I mean no harm," I said calmly, raising my hand once more to where large, thick field glasses pressed oppressively against my sockets and the bridge of my nose. Spinning the lens half a rotation, I stopped when my vision sharpened and I could see comfortably. "I wish to talk to you somewhere private."

She slipped the gun inside her robes and nodded once. "It seems we are in agreement."

With that, she turned and started walking away with the intent, I supposed, for me to follow. We walked like that for close to half an hour - her leading and me following at a respectable distance - until she took a sharp turn straight into a dark, wet alley. Slightly hesitant, I followed only to find myself suddenly looking at a carriage jammed in the small space. She squeezed herself inside while I stood staring dumbstruck at the driver who stared back unimpressively.

"We plan to reach our destination tonight, if that is suitable to you as well, Mr. Agard," the woman called out from inside the carriage in a musical, mocking voice.

I wedged myself between the carriage and the wall, sliding forward with difficulty until I was faced with the hollow that was the door. I slipped inside and sat on the opposite bench, looking at my companion in the silent darkness. She whistled low and the carriage started moving, scraping against the walls as it freed itself from its hiding spot.

Th woman pulled her hood back and the first thing I saw were the large, shrewd eyes in an angular face. A face framed by short, choppy strands of hair. She was looking at me in interest, surveying me with as much curiosity as I did her. Several minutes passed as we took the other in then we were jolted harshly, bumping heads unceremoniously as the carriage sped up to impossible speed.

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