Chapter one

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Camila had just fallen asleep after packing her stuff but something in the middle of the night woke her up. She woke up to what she assumes are pebbles being thrown at her window , "YO MILA!!" she heard "MILA WAKE UP!!". She saids to herself "who the fuck is throwing pebbles at my window at 3 in the fucking morning".

I get up from my bed and I walk to my bedroom window to see who it is .
"oh my fuck why won't she leave me alone" I say to myself "does she not understand that I don't like her at all" , so I open my window and I'm ready to tell her to fuck off but she then saids "mila can you please come out so we can talk". I think about it for a second then that's when I decided to tell her to fuck off,

"Mila please"


"Mila I'm sorry"

"If you don't leave right now I'm gonna go
outside and beat the shit out of you with a baseball bat"

"Mila c'mon please listen I'm sorry I want to work things out with you"

"You got 10 seconds to run Jenner , I'm not kidding"

"Mila I still love you!!"

I close my window and I grab my baseball bat from under my bed then I go downstairs and I open the door . As she sees me with an angry look and the baseball bat in my hand I hear her say 'oh shit' and she starts running , "you better run you fucking cheater !" ugh I can't believe I even dated her she was a fucking waste of my time. As I go back inside I see my dad standing in the living room laughing

"Good job on making her go away mija I thought I was gonna have to go out and make her go away myself"

"I hate her so much"

"I know mija I don't like her so much now too but I can't believe she cheated on my beautiful baby girl and she doesn't even look like the cheating type , she seemed so nice but looks can be deceiving"

"Me either but sorry for waking you up papa I know it's the middle of the night but she wouldn't stop calling my name and throwing pebbles at my window"

"It's ok camilita lets just go to bed now I know you're tired from packing"

"Ok papa good night te amo"

"Good night camilita te amo tambien sleep tight don't let the cheating girl bite"

We both started laughing after he said that . I headed up to my room a few seconds after my dad went back to his and as I passed by my room I saw sofi peeking out her room but she immediately closed her door after she saw me look at her , "g'night sof" I said to her and I went back to sleep after that.

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