Chapter three

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When I knocked the door the most beautiful woman I have ever seen opened it and when she spoke she sounded like an angel , "May I help you?" She asked , "Hi I'm Camila your new roommate" I nervously said , "Oh hi Camila , I'm Lauren" she said. Lauren. Oh Lauren. Are you even real ? I thought, "Well come in I'll show you were to put your stuff".

A few hours later

"Dinah she is so damn beautiful!"

"Mila , you know you got a girlfriend right ?"

"Not anymore , didn't I tell you what happened ?"

"Oh shit what ?"

"She cheated on me then I broke up with her and she was always apologizing telling me she still loved me but I'm over her"


"I'm fine alright I told her to fuck off but I have to go dinah I still have to unpack some things , I love you and I'll see you tomorrow"

"Alright I love you too walz"

After that phone call that's when I heard Lauren yell , "FUCK HOLY FUCK" , so I ran out my room too see what had happened, "are you ok ???" I asked , "Yeah sorry I'm just playing a video game here and I'm losing , sorry if I startled you" ; Jesus I thought something serious happened , "Oh well what game are you playing?"
"Grand Theft auto online"

"You play that game ??"

"Yeah I play with some friends but right now we're playing a parkour and I'm losing"

"If you want I could do it for you ? I'm good at doing parkour's on there"

"Yeah please I could use the help"

She gave me the controller and I started winning as soon as I stared playing  and at the end I won the whole thing , " damn you're good !" she said "Thanks , I always used to play a lot but I stopped cause I'm always busy now" I said remembering how much I actually used to play "Well Camila it's getting pretty late so I'm gonna head to bed , goodnight I'll see you tomorrow" , "Alright goodnight Lauren".

Well I'll just finish packing tomorrow I'm way too tired to do it right now I thought to myself.
As I went to my room Lauren's door was opened a little bit and I couldn't really see what she was doing but I got a little curious and looked through the little crack and I wish I didn't cause then I wouldn't have this boner. I backed away and couldn't believe I saw her fully naked , she was changing and I felt like a creep just watching her but I went to my room with that image stuck in my head for the rest of the night.

Hello to the people who are reading this I'm sorry these chapters are super short and that I take so long to update , it's my first time writing a story and I know I suck but I'm trying and I will improve in the future. Also I may take long to update because I'm a high school student so there always so much work👎🏽 but sometimes also it may be because I have no idea what to write. But anyways thank you so much for reading it means a lot too me 💞 . Please make sure to vote if you'd like and have a good day !.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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