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imessages between mason and selena

m: selena please talk to me

s: are you kidding me mason
s: haven't you realized that i     
don't want to talk to you

m: why i don't understand

s: you are ruining our family

m: how wtf

s: mom figured out that
you're mad about her being
s: her and dad have been
fighting because mom is regretting
this kid because you aren't happy!!

m: what makes you think i wasn't happy

s: you haven't been coming
home and after her post
you've been so rude to mom

m: well you can't blame me i don't want a crying baby in our house 24/7 and getting all the attention

s: so you're jealous?
s: wow get over yourself

m: you know what idfc anymore

s: no i'm not done with you
s: and now dad thinks mom
is cheating on him with uncle jack

m: well is she

s: what the fuck happened to you?

m: in just trying to live my life selena

s: mason this isn't like you
please tell me what happened?

m: about a couple months ago i heard dad say that he doesn't love mom anymore. before she became pregnant so now he feels like he has to stay with her because of this.

s: what
s: i don't believe it

m: i've been lashing out on you guys because i was upset at dad. how could he do that to us. i'm not the one ruining our family he is

s: but you aren't helping the
situation you're just making
it worst

m: well you aren't helping either since you practically moved out now they are blaming you leaving on each other

s: ok i'm sorry but you
haven't been home recently
so i was staying at julia's
because i couldn't stand
hearing them scream at
each other

m: i'm sorry too idk why i cheated on becca all she was is amazing to me
m: but i ran into charlotte and i was hurting so she took me to a hair salon and then to lunch and we kissed
m: that's all it was just a kiss
m: and i feel horrible

s: well tell her that
s: and i'll come back home
if you and me talk to mom
and dad to sort things out
s: and you stop acting like an

m: deal i miss you guys

s: i miss you too twinnie

m: alright ill cya soon


AN: yay so selena and mason made up and maybe mason isn't so bad anymore :)

hope you enjoyed!!


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