He's just imaginary

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Five-year-old Philip and I were sitting in the kitchen of the Hamilton household. We were bored and an idea came to my head when suddenly Alex came into the room, "There you are Philip, want to go for a walk?"

Philip nodded his head in excitment, "Wait! Can John come?"

Alex tilted his head in confusion and I knew this was going to end bad. "Who's John?"

Who's John? That sentence made me hurt, did Alex forget about me? Did he ignore me so he could move on from his "grief". I went over to Philip, "Tell daddy that John knows him and that they fought together."

Philip nodded his head, "You know him daddy, he just told me know that he knows you and that you worked with him. He also seems mad at the fact you forgot about him. He's right here, how about you apologize to him."

Alex bent down in his knees and looked at Philip in the eyes, "John is not here, look." He said waving his hands in the air trying to prove that I wasn't there.

Philip pointed to my direction, "Actually, he's right there and he does exist!"

"Hmph, maybe you should listen to your son more often!" I said stuck-up.

Alex got up and turned around facing the hallway. "Elizabeth, honey! Come to the kitchen."

Eliza came rushing in with baby Angie in her arms, "What is it?"

Alex looked at Philip then at Eliza, "Philip has a friend named John, and John knows me, has worked with me and he is here now even though I can't see him. Can you explain to Philip that John doesn't exist."

My heart sank when Alex said that I didn't exist. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. Philip turned around and saw me cry. "It's okay John, don't cry." Philip gave me a hug and Eliza and Alex looked at them worridly.

Philip let go of me, "You made John cry, daddy."

Eliza went next to Alex and whispered something in his ear. The lady then went down on her knees face-to-face with Philip, "Sweetie, John is an imaginary friend." She said caressing Philips face. "Now why don't you go play in your room with Angie."

Eliza took Philip and Angie to Philip's  room and left the door a crack open. Philip opened his mouth and was deciding on whether to say anything, "John, are you imaginary?"

I looked at his innocent face and sighed, "I guess I am an imaginary friend."

Guardian Angel | Phillip Hamilton and John Laurens AUWhere stories live. Discover now