Chapter 13

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Michael's POV

**a week later
Aliya and I have been a lot better since we cleared the air about the accusations. She comes to my concerts, sings every word to every song, but ditches me as soon as I mention I Just Can't Stop Loving You. I have an interview in a few hours, where I will be sitting face to face with Madonna. (Writer note: I know Madonna doesn't come until later on in his life but it's just a story, everyone) Madonna and I didn't end in great terms, and she's holding a grudge against me. But I'm only doing this because my team thinks it would make good publicity-knowing damn well I do not like interviews or extra drama. The only person sitting between Madonna and I will be Oprah.
*during interview
Oprah opened the show, "Hello everybody and good evening, welcome to the Oprah Winfrey show. With us here today is The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson and music icon, Madonna. Before we get started can we just clear the air with you two, are you all on good terms?"
Before I could open my mouth, Madonna starts running her mouth, "It's hard to be on good terms with such a..a man."
I raised my eyebrows, intertwined my fingers, and rested one bent leg onto my knee. Leaning back in my chair I said, "Is that so?"
I could here Aliya whispering offset as if she wanted to say something, already.
"Yes Michael, what we had was nothing more than what devil worshippers have with the Bible." Madonna responded, as if she were saying something extremely intelligent and well worded.
I looked over my shoulder and saw Aliya laughing.
"That was quite harsh, could you perhaps explain more..or, or give us an example of how your former relationship with Michael could be such?" Oprah asked immediately.
Madonna rolled her eyes and neck, "Michael is to childish, he gets uncomfortable when talking about sex, he never wants to have fun, or well, he never wanted to have 'adult fun'. I'd ask him if he wanted to go to some clubs and he would tell me he wasn't going to go with me. I'm sure he would rather go to Disneyland or some sort of water park." Some of her crew members chuckled as she was trying to make a fool out of me.
"Michael?" said Oprah.
"A theme park seems slightly more interesting than a cross dressing night club, and some of your 'spanky books' from your vast collection." I fired back.
Madonna became restless, "I was giving you another example of real woman beside myself." She smirked.
"Ya right." I rolled my eyes.
"Anything better than your downgrade." Madonna flashed a snake like smile at Oprah. I looked over my shoulder once more to see if Aliya had payed any attention to her last comment.
"What?" Questioned Aliya, due to the laughter. I moved my hand back and fourth in front of my neck, signaling for nobody to tell her.
"You heard me honey." Announced Madonna in a drunken fashion.
"No I did not HONEY," Aliya mocked, "come over here and tell me." She demanded.
"Oh please, scoop to your level for what?"
"I'll forgive you, since I know you meant to say 'rise'." Aliya winked at her and I chuckled at her sass and her 'can't touch me' attitude.
"Oh girl be quiet, you're jealous Michael hit this first," Madonna stoop up and spun around to show off her body, "and he wants me back, don't you daddy?" She put her finger under my chin as I quickly turned it away, stood up and headed towards Aliya. As soon as I saw Aliya she looked at Madonna with fire in her eyes and said "Excuse me hoe?" Aliya tried running towards her but I grabbed her by her not-as-skinny waist. "No no no no baby stop, she's lying, she's lying." I whispered to her.
"Or is that you're jealous of me after seeing those photos?" Aliya yelled across the set to her.
"Nothing I haven't seen before." She yelled to Aliya.
Aliya set her food down, grabbed my hand, and rushed me out of the room with her.
"Michael!" I could here the set directors & Oprah yelling behind me.
I turned around and shot two of my fingers in the air, "Peace" I said.
I stared down at Aliya's behind as she stomped across the floor.
"Michael." she turned around quickly, I redirected my eyes into hers.
"Yes?" I chuckled.
"The nerve of that woman to try and belittle me by making herself seem superior!" She pointed her finger and corked her neck while speaking.
I could tell she wasn't in the mood for me to joke or make sexual remarks.
"Oh come on baby, she's just trying to get under your skin. That's what the world wants to see, 'Michael Jackson's ex throwing shots at his new girlfriend' I can imagine it right now."
"Why did you agree to do the interview if you knew it was gonna go down hill?" She folded her arms
"My team convinced me, I came here and did exactly as I planned; I barely spoke a word to that ignorant woman. I didn't think she would really say much to you, but that's what jealous people do and I should have expected it."
As we were standing in the hallway one of the stage people approached us, "Will you be returning to finish the interview?" She asked.
I shot my eyes at her, "Absolutely not." I grabbed Aliya's waist and walked away.
"Michael you can not walk out on an interview with Oprah!" The woman yelled as we made our way out the door.
"Watch me!"

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