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'' Camila ''

— i have questions for you

It was an another night in staying at the rooftop, just enjoying the stars at night, sitting on the edge of the roof as I looked up, examining all the beautiful constellations dusting around the night sky.


"Yes, lolo?" I looked at the woman beside me, who was looking at me intently, her eyes telling me with interest as she was about to ask something.

"What is your favorite time of the day?"

I stopped for a moment, then continued, "Uhm, midnight," I said as I looked down, looking at my sneakers as I swing my legs back and forth at the edge, its shoelaces following the motion I made.

"Why?" Lauren asked as she looked at me deeply, taking in more interest.

"I don't know, really. Its like, in that time, I can have peace when I'm thinking about something, and sometimes, I can just look at the stars and think on how they exist, how far they can go, and on how we can only see six thousand stars in our naked eye when there are actually billions of them," I rambled as I made hand gestures, taking interest on my lookout on Lauren's question.

Then, she interrupted me as she spoke, "Your mind is so beautiful, Camz,"

I immediately stopped at her words, as my heart started to beat fast for I was taken aback, and it was something that confused me everytime she told me how perfect it is with how I form my way of words. I remembered her telling me every night, how beautiful I was, how she really cares for me, and telling me how she loves me.

But that's what friends do, right?

She made me feel special in any way she can, when I feel like I'm ugly as fuck, I probably looked like an almost dehydrated turtle eating sand in the desert.

"So, we're the same then," She told me as she looked at me deeply, while biting her lips slowly.

"I loved when the clock strikes at midnight, too. Because its where the moon shines the brightest. I love the moon so much. I mean, there's just something so mysterious about it, and.."

I couldn't help but just stare at Lauren. She was just too beautiful, her words and herself.

Then, I interrupted her, "I loved the moon, too. It looks just like you," And I smiled at her and looked back at the dark sky.

"But you should know one thing, Camz,"

"I loved the sun more, because it reminds me so much of you,"

We stared at each other for a moment, and delved into each other's eyes, waiting for something. I looked into her eyes that were green, and were now turning into a shade of grey. I could feel the ringing of my ears, and my heavy breathing as I slowly leaned, our faces now inches apart. I could feel my stomach slowly erupt its butterflies, and those fireworks exploding..

..then, her phone rang.

She immediately pulled away, checking her pockets, to get her phone. I checked on the caller I.D to find out that it was Keaton, and I immediately cringed as I looked away.

"Oh, hi Keaton! Uhm, I went to the grocery store right now with Taylor to get some goods. Oh, okay. I'll still be meeting you at Starbucks tomorrow, right? Okay, bye. Love you." Lauren said as she placed her phone down and smiled at me.

"It was Keaton. He's just asking me if I'm going to–"

"Lauren, I know, okay? I heard everything," I said annoyingly as she began to look away. I never meant to say all of those things, though. But its just so annoying when I heard things about him.

It just hurts.

Then, there was the elephant silence. O felt guilty as to what I did minutes ago, just because of this growing jealousy for Keaton.

"Uhm," I started to spoke, "Do you want to go down now? Or–"

"Can we stay here? Please?" Lauren interrupted me and made me nodded at her question. She then started to scoot closer to me as she leaned on my shoulder, and wrapped her arms around me, and felt her sigh when I kissed her the crown of her head.

In times like these, I wished it lasts for a long time, but sometimes reality breaks it, feelings impossible to fade, and hearts bleed. I knew it was impossible, and its just so hard to deal with the pain everyday, but I would be willing to do everything for her, even if it hurts me.

I sighed as I looked at the moon above me, and pulled Lauren closer to my body as she dozed off to sleep.

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