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* Niall POV *

Today is me and Destiny one month of dating but we knew each other since 6th grade. So I got Destiny a necklace and it has her name on it and a four leaf clover on it. I made dinner plans for tonight I hope she likes it. I really hope it is ok that we fly to Ireland tomorrow to meet my family.

* later that night before leaving for dinner*

" Destiny go get ready for dinner " I said

" How am I going get dressed but I don't know where we are going?" Destiny asked

" dress in like skinny jeans and a nice shirt like I am."

" that's a good idea."

" than go get ready!"

* ten minutes later *

Destiny came out with black skinny jeans and a baby blue shirt that says pink in black and baby blue sandles. she looks so pretty. " is this destiny I knew since 6th grade" I thought in my mind. her hair was all curly.

" Destiny you look amazing" I said

" thanks Niall so do you." Destiny said

" thanks "

" are you ready to go? "

" yeah let's go " I said grabbing her hand

we were in my car and driving to the place.

" Where are we going? " Destiny asked

" I am not telling you till we get there." I said

" Why not!?"

" because it is a surprise! "

* When we got to the place *

" we are here Destiny!" I said

" oh I thought we were going to nandos." she said

" nope I wanted something different."

" so you picked olive garden?"

" yep now come on!"

" ok I am coming "

* Destiny POV *

tonight is me and Niall 1st month of dating and I got him something really cool I think. I got niall football game tickets for me and him. I hope he likes it I have the tickets in my purse.

* while we were eating *

" Destiny I got you something." niall said

" I got you something to Niall." I said

" I am giving you mine first. " niall said

" ok. "

" here open it."

I was taking the wrapping paper off of the box. when I took the wrapping paper off the box I opened the box.... it was a necklace that has my name on it and a four leaf clover on it.

" I love it niall thank you." I said hugging him

" let me put it on you." he said

When niall was putting the necklace on I was trying to get his gift out of my purse. I got his gift out of my purse and gave it to him.

" open it Niall." I said

" ok."

when he look at the envelope I was smiling waiting for him to open it.  then finally he started to open it. when he got to the tickets his eyes went big because the seats were right next to the field.

" Destiny did you really get me this?" he asked

" Yes I did Niall because I knew you would like it." I said

" I don't like it, I love it thank you Destiny" he said giving me a big hug

" the rest if the gift is at home."

" really? "

" yep"

* When we got home *

" Destiny where is the rest of the gift?." Niall asked

" Stay right here and I will go get it." I said

" ok I will stay right."

" ok I will be right back "

I ran to the room and grabbed it from the closet. It was a thing to go meet the players after the game.

" here Niall open it."

" ok."

he opened it. when he did his eyes were wide open he looked at me and gave me a huge hug.

" Thank you princess I love it." he said

" good the game is next Saturday and we are going to it together." I said

" I love you Destiny. "

" I love you too Niall. "

" let's go watch a movie. "

" ok. "

* Niall POV *

I have the best girlfriend ever. she gave me the best gift I ever had! 

[ Authors note ]

sorry it took so long to update I have softball and girls scouts and I am trying my best to update and keep reading my story and my friend Paolas story called unbelievable. ( A one direction story)

thanks I love y'all

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