Chapter 5

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"Hey, mate," Xavier said and got up to do that 'bro-hug' thing with him.

I turned to look at Julia and she was twirling a finger around her hair. Alex looked like he was ready to punch someone.

Jason turned to look at me and the corners of his lips turned upwards, forming a smirk I knew too dang well. It seemed like he was looking at the bruise on my neck. I pulled the hood of my jumper up, trying to hide it.

"Do you want to sit with us?" Xavier offered. He opened his mouth to reply, but was soon cut off by Alex.

"Sorry, Jason. We were just leaving," Alex said before storming out of the shop.

Xavier turns to look back at Jason and then to me with an extremely confused expression.

Suddenly, everything started coming back to me. Last night, how he broke into my house, how he tried to kiss me, how he was banging on my door, how I called Alex and he jumped out of my window. I looked up at Jason in fear and he smiled a smile so similar to Cheshire-cat. I ran out of the ice cream place and chased after Alex.

After about a minute or so of running around, I found him sitting on a bus stop bench. His head was in his hands and his face was red. I ran and wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up a bit and soon mirrored my actions.

We sat there in silence for a good five minutes until a puffed out Julia came running up to us and Xavier running behind her.

"Why'd you guys run off like that?" Julia asked between breaths.

"We were leaving," Alex stated.

"So," I piped up. "What're we going to do now?" I said trying to changing the topic.

"Ooh, how about a water balloon fight?" Xavier suggested.

"It's 14 degrees," I laughed.

"So?" Xavier said shrugging his shoulders. "We can be on teams!"

"That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea," Julia said.

"Eliot and his girlfriend can come over too, if that's okay," Xavier said with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, sure," I answered. "Who's house are we going to do it at?"

"Uh, who's Eliot?" Alex inquired and Xavier and Julia turned their gaze to him, gape mouthed.

Secretly, I was wondering the same thing, I just didn't want to say it out loud.

"Eliot's my best friend," Xavier said and laughed and Alex's mouth turned into an 'o' shape.

"We can do it at my house," Julia said. "Tom's at his friends house."

Her parents are both lawyers and are freakishly rich. They do cases all over the world and travel. A lot. When it's on the holidays they take Julia and Tom. During school, Julia normally takes care of her younger brother, Tom.

"So it's settled, then," Xavier says and rubs his hands together.


"I've been hit!" Julia cried playfully and falls down on the floor.

The way we play it is once you get hit, you 'die' until there is the last team or person standing. The people who are eliminated can tamper with the other teams equipment and give away hiding spots to their team after they've been hit. You can either use water guns or water balloons. There are teams of two. Alex and Julia, Eliot and his girlfriend, Taylor and Xavier and I. Eliot had a bag wrapped around his wrist to prevent his cast from getting wet. I was currently holding seven water balloons in my pocket, five in the hood of my jumper and two in each hand. Xavier had great aim so I was basically just handing him the water balloons. He had just hit Julia and she was the first person to be eliminated.

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