The things that change( dance moms)

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"Hey it's chloe lukasiak!!" I heard someone scream. Oh god not again. Ever heard of dance moms? Well that was the happy, strange, most tear- jerking, least forgettable years of my life. It ended and with it went abbys frustration and my complete dedication to dance.

I continue to walk home and enter my 5th avenue penthouse apartment.

It's December 23. I roam around my apartment in New York City. I moved there for a career in dance but I actually became a c.e.o of a my new dance company. I was moderately successful. I train winners. Like teacher like students.I sat on my couch trying to release my aching back. I thought of Mia. I guess you could say I favoritize her. I expected soothing comfort but instead I felt something under me. I stood up and picked up the object. It was a promise ring. Josh gave it to me. Exactly 1 year ago. He's gone now. I heard he went somewhere in Florida. All to sudden the memories come rushing back.


c-josh I'm pregnant

J- what?

C-were gonna have a baby

J- goodbye

I started sobbing

J- I love you


He left and never looked back. Love never can be just made or die integrated but it sure as he'll can be changed.

I walked in to the nursery and kissed Talia on the forehead then returned to the couch.

Paige? Where is she you ask? Your guess is as good as mine. She is a model and a household name but I don't have any contact with her. She left about two years ago. Right after she married jake. She models in vogue and people.

Maddie? Well..usually I would avoid that question or change the subject but I'm already poring my heart out. Maddie is...dead. She killed herself 3 years ago. In the note written me it read:

Dear chloe,

I'm sorry but things burn in the place we...well now just you call life. I'll miss you but it's December it's a nice day to die I guess, and just like the world things will change forever.




Those words stick in my head. It's like she knew. Well I guess she didn't. I mean she couldn't. Right?

I got up and took a shower and played some music. Cry started playing and soon enough the lyrics became my reality. Tears streamed down my face endlessly.

I got out and put my satin pajamas. I combed my hair and put it in a simple side braid. I walked to my couch and watched season five of dance moms when the doorbell ring. I got up. I saw who it was.

I stared into his icy blue eyes and his sandy blonde hair was the cherry on top of the sundae. It was josh hyland. I jumped into his arms and he looked into my eyes. Then he kissed me. It was the best thing that's happened since he left. He pulled away.

"I love you" he barely whispered. " I love you too" I said. He carried me over to the couch and And I broke the unbearable silence that has since taken over. " Why would you leave me?" I said barely audible. I saw a tear go down his face and when her turned to me after what felt like years he just stared blankly. He touched my arm and looked into my eyes like he could read my that way. "I.........just lost myself and with the baby I couldn't take it" he whispered obviously ashamed. "So you left me to deal with it myself? a 20 year old. Alone in New York City with a baby? talia doesn't even know her own father" I said raising my voice and now sobbing. "It's ok we-" I cut him off " no josh there is no we and nothing about this is ok. Look you can stay here so tailia knows her father but know that It's only for that reason"

I've planned that a million times in my head if this happened but they all ended with happily ever after. Not like this where we crying and I'm about kill him.

Josh just sits there tears streaming down his cheeks sobbing. This isn't right but neither was him leaving me. I went into my room and cleaned myself up. I grabbed a blanket opened the door and threw them to josh"you can sleep on the couch". "Thanks" he says. he isn't still crying but his eyes are bloodshot and his hair is messed up beyond belief.


Next morning

I wake up at 6:30 still tired from last nights events. I go to get talia but stop when I smell bacon. I walk into the kitchen and witness josh setting out 2 plates and cutting some up for the giggling talia that is set in her ballerina high chair and dressed for the day. "Hi" I say. He jumps. "Oh hi "he says awkwardly."u look beautiful" he says smiling causing me to involuntarily blush. He laughs obviously satisfied with himself.

He walked out of the room and took a shower while I ate and got ready. I was about to leave and take talia to daycare when josh wAlked over. "I can watch her" he offered" I am her dad after all" . "Fine" I said and handed him talia. I just hoped this wasn't the wrong decision, but when I thought about those eyes I can't help but think maybe I do still love him and want to be with him? No ,chloe. bad chloe. You do not love him. He left you!!

But he is still the best thing that ever happened to me. No. Talia is! Oh lord help me!! I walk down to the lobby and wave the doorman goodbye and hail a taxi. I get to work and sit in my huge pink office chair. It's all normal for awhile so I'll just fast forward.


I walk into the house and see josh playing with talia making her giggle. I grab her away from him. "Hey" he says not even looking me. I just roll my eyes and since I come from work so late it's time to put talia to bed. I put her in her pink cover and kiss her goodnight. When I get close the door I bump into something. Josh. He eyes don't the love they did before it's anger. "Josh" I say trying to calm him but he interrupts me."what the hell is wrong with you". He practically yells. I try to get pasted him but he pushes me against the wall and holds me there. "It's always about chloe huh?" He hisses " what are u talking about "I whisper scared. " you think your way better then everyone else. To good for me and talia is only a year old and you still think she's better then me!". " you left me" I say barley audible and let a tear slip down. He leers go and looks mortified with tears dripping down his face. "Chloe I'm-" he says. "No Joshua I think it would be best if you leave". He backs up and turns around to leave intill we hear a door open. "What are you doing here?" I say backing up. they come in and I scream. It's Brandon. He's back.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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The things that change( dance moms)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें