|My favorite "What If"|-IwaOi (Part 1)

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"Iwa-chan! Matte!!"

I turned on my head facing him in a distance, his voice, stopping me at my tracks. I've been running to nowhere and he's been chasing me for a few minutes now.

"Can you not be annoying for just a second, geez." I furrowed my eyebrows. Crossing my arms, making sure there's distance between us. Or else I can't take it.

"But iwa-chan, why did you run away?" Oikawa asked panting, setting a side a strand of his hair with a curious expression written on his face.

"I'm tired" I simply replied.

"Tired of what? It's our first day off practice" He shrugged innocently with a smile, walking towards me. He's now two steps closer. Honestly, this guy I swear to God.




"I'm tired of you being around!" My words went out, seemingly like poison coughed from my mouth.

He stared in awe.

"But..." His face fell, like I just did something else. I normally tease or insult him a lot so this couldn't possibly affect him, right ?

Though his face still looks like an angel. No, more like a lost puppy.

"I'm tired of you, shittykawa always being an annoying and always running your mouth"
This is wrong. No I don't meant it. But I don't want to feel it.

Then it suddenly rains.


I take steps going up to class, catching a glimpse of some of my team mates in the halls, i wave at them politely. The day seems nice, the sun is out and the clouds seem to make everything look timid.

Early in the morning, really? What could I expect. I try my best to walk pass them, simply pretending to not notice.

"Good morning! Iwa-chan!!"

I go unnoticed or so I thought.

Oikawa then chants behind me, making me sigh and look back.

"Morning" I rolled my eyes, slowly walking away from him. 'Why did he even have to do that? Wasn't he attending to those girls? He's so annoying. Oh, wait they must be annoying too and he's only using me to get out of the situation.' My thoughts run into me.

"Tch. We're gonna be late for class if can't you keep up, Crappykawa"

"Oh! Bye for now girls, see you later" He winks at them, the usual bright Oikawa, which as per usual has made their brains go numb. The three girls who surrounded him now squealed as we walk away from them, Oikawa catching up with me.

"How was your sleep? You know you seem grumpy today! I was wondering-"

"You're blabbering again. I'm good. Now don't ruin my morning" I tell him, looking at him who's now beside me.

"Okay but like as I said there's this new cafe outside school, I was wondering if we could check it out?" He continues with a gleeful smile, clinging an arm on mine.



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