Private DMs between Jasper and Anna

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J: Hey Anna
A: Hi Jasper
J: Can you pleaseeee talk to Romeo?
A: Why?
J: He's been so sad ever since your fight and he just stays in his room.
A: And how do you know this?
J: I'm his best friend, he tells me everything
A: He doesn't tell me everything😒
J: Trust me, Daisy is JUST a girl at school, they aren't even friends let alone boyfriend and girlfriend.
A: Then why did the have a pic together?
J: It was for a video project and Daisy cropped out her friend who was also in their group.
A: Ok, but why would she say she's dating him?
J: Honestly idk, she's a weird person.
A: Hahaha
J: Now can you please talk to Romeo?
A: I guess so
J: Thank you
A: Thank you:)

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