One: Disturbances, Douchebags and Detention

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Note: Contains Strong/Offensive Language. 

It was only the third class and Andrew already felt the stress of the world on his shoulders.

At least Art was next and after that it would be lunch at 12:30pm. Art was probably one of the only classes that Andrew could actually relax too. It wasn’t stressful like the other subjects and it didn’t take much brain power. The class was quiet and not full of un-intelligent, moronic dickheads like in his other classes. Plus his teacher was almost like an auntie to the class she was so good-natured and charming and her assistant was most definitely an older brother to everyone in the class.

The teacher would refer to this particular class as her second family since they had been together for the last five years. Andrew always finds that fact amusing.

Andrew silently shuffled into the rather empty art room or Art Studio 3 as it said on the door. His teacher, Mrs. Brennan and her assistant Joseph O’ Callaghan were already inside as well as two other early students whose names where Conor and Aine. Aine had acknowledged Andrew with a small smile when he entered a smile which he had tried to return but it probably looked like a pained grimace to her. The bell was yet to ring to begin class so the other students must be taking their time.

Andrew placed his folder full of messed up notes and dog eared pages onto the table. He looks at it for a moment thinking he should probably organize it soon but…effort. He opened up his A2 art folder and took out a piece he had been working on. A portrait of his younger brother in water colour pencils. It matched his reference photo entirely and was, in his opinion, one of his best.

But it still was nothing in comparison to the other GCSE work displayed around the room. He probably should not be comparing but it was hard not to.

The shrilling of the bell snapped his attention back.

Almost immediately after the other students had started piling into the room in groups. Among them on her own, was Isabel Harris. She spotted Andrew and grinned when their eyes came in contact.

The tables were arranged in a U shape, the open end was facing towards the teachers desk. Andrew was sitting, or rather, slouching at the very far end close to the window.

Isabel sat down in her usual seat right across from Andrew. She stole another glance at him just to make sure he was the one from earlier that day. She felt herself redden in embarrassment by the fact that that boy she didn’t know the name of has been in her art class for almost two years.

She mentally slapped herself, though in her defense she knew of the boy by two names, Andrew and Drew. From her perspective, he’s quiet in art class, rather invisible. He always has his head over his work…Come to think of it, she thought…She hasn’t properly seen his work before.

No one really goes showing their art to anyone. The teacher won’t hold them up either. You just kind of steal a glance but then the person would move it in such an angle it looked like the oddest thing going.

Isabel drew her attention back onto Andrew or Drew then snapped her eyes back down to her own art work in which she was so far behind in. She, like Andrew/Drew has been drawing portraiture for the last year and a half. And yet she only has about ten pieces of work up her sleeve. Clearly, drawing ‘fan-art’ in the ungodly hours of the morning does not help getting work done.

Joseph, the assistant, walked to the front of the classroom and began to speak. “Alright class!” He clapped his hands then rubbed them together. “As a getting-back-to-work exercise after the Halloween holidays, which in my own opinion, were not long enough,” he paused as quiet laughter filled the room, “Miss Brennan and myself have come up with an exercise to ease ourselves back into the hard work of GCSE art!” Connor let out a meant-to-be-silent ‘yes!’ but since the class is always particularly quiet, everyone heard him. Joseph chuckled. “Not quite, Connor, this exercise will take up 15% of your final school grade and it will take place over the next two weeks.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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