Chapter~3 -Powers-

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3rd person P.O.V

The next few weeks were normal for the five 17 year-old's. Wendy and bebe tried to fight Echo but every time they would run away. Young Kenny McCormick got a black eye from Craig because he hit on Echo in a dirty way (idiot). 'But way did Craig hit Kenny for Echo?' you ask.

Well remember a little while ago when Craig said he liked someone? Yeah. He like Echo but, now it's a BIG crush on her. But he's scared she'll not like him back because of what he is 'what is he?' you ask? He's an electric werewolf. Yes you heard me electric. Anyway, BACK TO THE STORY!!!

Your P.O.V

It was a normal day, well except for one thing the talent show was coming up and all the girls except for me were singing. Horribly. All. The. Time. They were going to enter the talent show together. Ugh.

"WILL YOU WHORES STOP SINGING FOR ONCE!!" Cartman shouted "NO!!! WERE PRACTICING!!" Wendy shouted "Grr..." "Echo we're glad you aren't singing horribly like that" Token said "no problem and actually I don't really think I sound good even when I sing eh heh" I say blushing a little "oh please you probably sound better" Token said "yeah actually. . . wait Echo sing for us!" Clyde said my eyes widend.

"I uh- m-me!?" I said "yeah" everyone replied "I don't l-like to sing i-in public" great now I sound like Tweek.


The bell rung. Time to go home, finally. I got up and walked out of the building, with my things, and walked home. I heard someone walking up to me I looked it was Craig. Me and him have actually gotten closer as friends, more so than the others.

"What Craig. . ." I said he just stopped and looked at me so I stopped. We were in front of my house "d-did we upset you?" he asked "no I just-" I was cut off by my mom "ECHO MCCAIN! IS THAT A BOY WITH YOU!?" she screamed and ran over to where Craig and I were "mom it's not what it looks like-" "mehai what did I say about boys! Get inside the house now! Your grounded for a week!" she said "now who are you and what are you to my daughter?" she looked at Craig "my name is Craig and I'm one of her friends" he said "are you sure about that? Are you sure you're not her boyfriend?" she asked angry Craig had a red face "n-no m'am I'm not" he said " get away from my house and my daughter!" she said he looked at me with an 'it's ok' face and walked away I sighed and started to run to the house.

I'm so sorry Craig

Craig's P.O.V

What's wrong with her mom and boys? I thought and went into my house. No one was home so I went to my room and watched TV.

Your P.O.V

After Craig left I ran to my room and slamed the door and locked it. I can't believe that just happened. So I started to sing.

(The song is by Billie Elish)

-play the music-

After I was done singing I noticed that I was crying and then I saw light coming from my hands, it was the color of my hair wait that means. . . yes! I went to my desk and found my magics book and looked through the book and found out that if ones powers are strengthening then their hands glow the color of their hair.

I had mixed emotions about this my powers were strengthening! That's a big accomplishment then my mom called up to me.

"Echo! I got to go to work there was an emergency, look after your little sister please! I'll be back really late and she better be in bed!" she said "ok mom!" I said then heard her close the door and drive off with her car.

"Echo I wanna take a walk!" Autumn said with a smile, I just can't say no to her "ok Autumn" I said I grabbed my jacket and put it on I also put Autumn's jacket on her too. We walked down to Starks Pond when Autumn ran to someone I looked up and saw her with a little boy who had black hair, they were smiling and hugging.

I walked up to where they were "Autumn who's this?" I said looking at her "This is Ike he's one of my fwends" she says smiling "Ike don't run *breaths* away from me like that again" a fermilier voice said I looked up and saw Kyle "sowwy ky" Ike said. Awwww this is so cute "hey Echo" Kyle said "hey. . ." I said by now Autumn and Ike were playing on the playground "you look sad... What's wrong?" kyle said with a concerned face "o-oh it's nothing" I said and looked at the ground with a frown "something is wrong, tell me" he said I sighed "well Craig was walking me home like he usually does and my mom saw us talking and she flipped out on him" I said "why did she flip out?" he said "my mom hates boys but, their the only people that are chill and don't get into drama" I said.

He just looked at me "what?" I said "i-its just your eyes, their mesmerizing" he studdered and looked at the ground "my eyes have that effect on most people" I say then his phone rang "I'll be right back" he said.

~One minute later~

"Ike we gotta go mom needs our help" Kyle says and grabs Ike "ok ky see ya tomorrow Autumn" Ike says "see ya Echo" Kyle says and smiles at me "and don't worry tomorrow, if anything happens you can come hang out with me and my friends" he says walking away.

-one hour later-

It's 6:00 I better get Autumn something to eat. We were heading home when I walked past Craig's house, I saw a little girl playing in the garden. She had beautiful red hair and the same eye color as Craig, 'ugh Echo you need to stop thinking about him he's just your friend, he'll forgive you for your mom'  I looked away and kept walking once we got home I made me and Autumn some dinner, I let her watch some TV and then put her in bed.

-two hours later-

It was 10:00 and I was ready to go to bed so I went to sleep in my bed.

'Enjoy your rest and friends now because after me you'll have nothing left HAhahahahaha'

Hey guys its Echo here and thanks for reading are you in the next chapter and bye~💙

Song for chu 😽~💙

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