Rule N°4

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A/N: I was only going to update tomorrow but since I won't be able to log in because I'm taking the day off the internet for my birthday, I'm doing it now! Enjoy the early chapter and savor it because I don't know when the next one will come.

Rule number four: Only boring people get bored.

"Alright," she chirped. "Tell me about you. I don't know anything," Helen demanded Chris, leaning her elbow on the table and resting her chin in her palm.

Chris thought she looked like she was expecting to hear the story of his life from start to finish. For a second Chris wondered what he was going to tell her – what he was supposed to tell her. Oh, I'm just the typical asshole who uses women for his personal pleasure but won't commit, nothing special to say about me. If he ever wanted to charm this girl, that would sure do the trick. He also heard Andreas' voice in the back of his mind telling him to get his shit together for fuck's sake.

"I don't know what to say, I have a pretty boring life," he told her. It was the easy way out, they both knew it. Helen didn't look like she was buying it though.

"I don't believe that. Attractive people don't have boring lives," she blurted out ever so innocently.

"You find me attractive?" Chris smirked so wide his face hurt and he leaned back in his chair. Could he sound any more cocky? Probably not. He knew it of course, but hearing it felt great.

"You know you are."

The way she said it wasn't teasing or reprimanding. It was the most factual thing he had heard her say. Far be it from her to judge, she simply stated that he was good-looking. Chris had to admit that this compliment left a bitter taste on his tongue.

"Now tell me," she said again, along with a simple smile which wiped away all traces of unease. "Who are you, Chris? Don't lie, I can always tell when people lie."

That last warning was dropped so candidly that he didn't know if she was pulling his leg or being serious.

"I'm the last person you want to ask that," he said. "I can tell you who I used to be, who I'd like to be, but I'm not sure I can tell you who I am."

Helen leaned farther forward, both her elbows and hands on the table now.

"We're young and confused, it's okay we have time to figure out." She gently encouraged him to continue.

"What do you expect to hear? You said it yourself, I look like trouble. I'm no boyscout."

"Do you feel shame for your past?" Helen asked.

"No- I mean, maybe. I used to be proud of my shenanigans but the older I get the worse they feel." He was now playing with the menu that was laying on the table. Now would be a good time for a waiter to come.

"I don't judge," she said. "You say that you're not like that anymore so you can tell me."

"Just imagine the worst, most self-absorbed jerk you could ever meet – well, that's me. Congratulations, you're spending your Tuesday night with the biggest fuck boy of all," Chris almost snarled in distaste of this self-proclaimed title.

Helen opened her mouth to answer but that's the moment when the waiter finally came to their table. They ordered each a hot beverage and Chris asked for a piece of pie and two forks. As soon as the waiter turned around, Helen reach over to Chris. Her hand didn't quite touch him but it was close enough to show sympathy and that he was allowed to take it if he wanted. He did not.

French Kiss (Skam - Chris Schistad x OC)Where stories live. Discover now