Chapter 15. New Year's Eve/Conclusion of the Triangle

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Annie's POV

Today was New Year's Eve, which means it's been about three weeks since my birthday.

I've been purposely avoiding Brennan and Luke, because after Luke broke up with me, I didn't want to rush back with Brennan.

Even though I have some feelings for Brennan, they're not really a lot...not enough for me to want to date him, I mean.

Tonight we were throwing a party like we normally do on New Year's Eve, so I had to invite Brennan and Luke over. Caleb, Hayley, and I were setting up around 3 by hanging up some banners and organizing bowls of snacks.

While Caleb was hanging up the banners, Hayley and I set up the snacks. We had Doritos (nacho cheese and cool ranch for Caleb and Luke), candy, popcorn, sour cream and onion chips, trail mix, etc. We also had soda, water, and juice pitchers.

Once we were finished setting up, we all sent texts to our friends to come over.

I quickly rushed upstairs to get ready. I put on a maroon red causal dress that stopped above my knee along with some black vans. I tied my hair into a high ponytail and did some makeup on Hayley and I.

Around 5 PM, I heard the doorbell ring.

"I got it!" Hayley exclaimed as she skipped towards the door.

She opened it and the Donnelly kids came in. Katie gave me a hug before sitting with Caleb.

Hayley and Ryan sat on the couch and started playing some video games when Brennan stopped in front of me.

"You look nice." He said.

"Thanks." I replied a little awkwardly.

A few moments later, the doorbell rang again. I ran to the door and saw Luke, Sydney, Zach, and Abby.

"Abby! You're here!" I exclaimed as we hugged.

"Yep! I felt bad about missing your birthday, so of course I had to show up to this party!" Abby said.

I grinned. "Thanks! Come on everyone."

I greeted everyone except Luke, who didn't even make eye contact with me as he walked in.

"No way, you're playing Call of Duty?" Luke asked Ryan and Hayley.

They nodded.

"Mind if I join?" He asked.

Hayley handed him her controller. "As much as I love Ryan, I can't stand this game."

Luke laughed as he sat next to Ryan and began playing.

We all hung out and took turns playing COD for hours until it was around 11. We paused what we were doing to sit around and eat some cake that Mom bought and we turned the TV to a channel that showed the countdown to the ball drop.

"This has been one hell of a year." Abby said as she took a bite of cake.

I nodded. "Yeah, you have no idea."

"Annie, wanna be my eleven-eleven?" Abby asked a few minutes later.

I giggled as she took my photo and posted it on Snapchat and Instagram.

I giggled as she took my photo and posted it on Snapchat and Instagram

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