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I really need everyone to be reading this. 


I'm not trying to sound to pushy or anything, but I really don't like when I make covers, which can take days at a time, and nobody uses them. 

Half of the covers in this book have not been used for anything at all, and that kind of upsets me. ;-;

I take a lot of time and energy to make covers for people who request them, and then I upload them, and they are only used half the time. 

Please, please, use the cover that you request.

I mean, here's how it should be. 

If you don't like the cover, just tell me, and I'll redo it! It's no sweat!

I really just want my covers to be used for something, that's all. 

I'm not trying to be whiny, or annoying, or pushy. 

It's just that all my resources and talent are going to waste when something is just made without a purpose, that's all. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you understand why I need the covers you request to be used.

If you don't need the cover, or are not planning on writing a book anytime soon, please don't request a cover.

Thank you for understanding. ^.^"


I'm sorry for being so serious, but sometimes I have to be to get a message across that I feel is important to me and my job. 

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