Chapter 1: Great News!

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This is picking up from the last chapter in the first book.

-Amira's POV-

"I'm pregnant." I say to Colby. 

"You're what?" He asks.

"I know we didn't want to have a baby but unfortunately we are going to have one. I understand if you want to get a divorce." I say looking at the floor.

"Now why the fuck would I do that Amira? This is great! We are having a baby like we wanted!" He screams hugging me. I cry into his shoulder.

"You're not mad?" 

"Fuck no I ain't mad." He says kissing my forehead. "This is the best thing that's ever happened to me besides you." I smile. 


"Of course baby!" He says holding me close. 

I cry into his chest. Not because I'm upset, but because I'm really happy. We are finally getting to be parents. 

"What are we going to tell the guys?" I ask. 

"That you are pregnant." He says putting on his shoes. "Let's go." I follow Colby to the car. we drive over to Taylor's where the guys will most likely be. 

When we get there we walk to the back where all of them are in the pool including Logan. I knew he would be back from Germany soon.

"Hey guys!" I say walking up to the pool. Cam tries to have me pull him out of the pool but I tell him no.

"Why? You always help me." 

"Because she can't bro. You guys can't be rough housing with Amira anymore." Colby says smiling.

"Why? Are you okay? Are you sick? What's wrong?" Carter asks. 

"No, I'm fine, but uhm we just can't risk hurting the baby." I say. 


"We're pregnant!!" Colby screams excitedly. 

"YAYYYY!!!!!!" Taylor screams. They all wrap us up in a group hug. 

"This is too amazing. Are you going to have a gender reveal and a baby shower?" Nash asks. 

"Yes." Colby says. I think Colby's happier than I am, but I am reallllllyyyyyy happy.

"I am so happy for you guys." Logan says. I nod. 

"Thanks." I say. 

"So I hear ya'll got married." 

"Yeah. Too bad you were in Germany. You missed the wedding." I say hugging Logan. He then hugs Colby.

"Congrats bro. Glad you guys finally got together. I saw it coming eventually." He says to Colby. 

"Thanks bro. How was Germany?" 

"It was great. I loved it, but I missed you guys. I missed home. I just got back last night." Logan says. 

"Well I'm glad you're alive homie." 

"Me too man. So do you think I'm gonna have a nephew or a niece?"

"Don't know. I'm gonna love it either way." I say smiling.

"I want a girl, but hey a boy will be fine too." Colby says. 

"God this is so fucking great bro." Jack J. says. 

"Yes it is. I can't wait." 

"I have an appointment next week for a sonogram to see how far along I am, and then next month for a prenatal check-up." I say. 

"That's awesome. So we are going to London next month. Do you want to go too?" Taylor asks. 

"Of course I do. But the further I get into my pregnancy I can't go on a plane anymore. For now in my first 4 months I can." I say. 

"Sounds good. We can even get a Doctor on the road with us too. Just in case something happens." Aaron says. I nod. 

"Sounds good to me." I smile. I suddenly feel nauseous and sprint to the bathroom. I throw up a bunch. 

"Here eat these. They will help." A woman's voice says. I look up and she hands me saltine crackers. 

"Who are you?"

"I'm Becky. Aaron's mom. I'm making them all lunch." She says. 

"Hello. I'm Colby's wife Amira. Thanks for the crackers." 

"Anytime. Are you feeling okay?" 

"Yeah. Just pregnant." I say cleaning up the bathroom. 

"That's awesome. Being pregnant is fun for the most part. Just not the morning sickness, the shortness of breath, and not being able to tie your shoes as you get bigger. Other than that it's not too bad." She says. I laugh. 

"Well if anyone understands then it would be you." I smile. 

"Wanna help me out with lunch? It can just be us girls." She says. I nod.

"Sure. I'd like that." I say following her to the kitchen.

"So where you from?" 

"Originally Bossier City like Colby but we moved to New Orleans because I went to college. I graduate next month but I haven't told the guys yet. You?"

"Aaron was born in Shreveport, and I am from New Orleans. I was visiting Shreveport when I went into labor with Aaron. Soon his father and I moved there. His dad and I divorced when he was young, but when he turned 16 I ended up remarrying his step-dad Jeff. One night in his sleep unexpectedly Jeff passed away. None of us had really seen that coming and we still to this day have no idea what happened. But a few months before that his son Aaron's step-brother died in a car accident. It was very hard on all of us." She says handing me some tomatoes to chop up. 

"I'm really sorry to hear that. My parents cheated on each other and divorced when I was 3. My dad remarried a man who is my step-dad now, and my mom remarried too. She married a woman and that woman is my step-mom. I love my step parents I'm close with both of them, and my parents are very close. They walked down the aisle together at my wedding. It was cute and I wish they were still together, but as long as they're happy I'm happy too." I say chopping up the tomatoes. 

Soon I hear all the guys come into the kitchen. 

"I see you have met mama Becky." Taylor says. I laugh.

"I sure have. She gave me crackers after I threw up." I say. 

"That's nice. So mom what's for lunch?" Aaron asks. 


"We are having a famous Louisiana dish that your mom really li-" "AHHH." I scream. 

"Baby! What's wrong?" Colby asks rushing to my side. 

"I-I'm hurting." I say. 

"AMIRA YOU'RE BLEEDING!!!" Nash screams. I look down at my legs. There's a huge amount of blood running down my legs. I know exactly what's happening. 

I begin to cry. "Noo. Please get me to the hospital now!" I yell. Colby picks me up and Aaron follows. They drive me to the hospital with Becky, and the guys following us. 

I get admitted into a room and the Dr. runs some tests. After about an hour he comes back with a smug look on his face. 

"I have bad news." 

OUR ADVENTURES// Colby James OlivellaWhere stories live. Discover now