2. Chapter

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Louis looked everywhere for a whole week. Some people would give up already but for some reason he didn't want to give up. He had no idea about Harry, not even his surname. He even wore Harry's bracelet wherever he went.

Louis was walking around the city, surrounded by paps and some fans. He sighed. There's no way he will ever find Harry, just by coincidence, maybe, but otherwise, no chance. He stared at his feet as he moved. Suddenly he bumped into someone. He looked up fixing his gaze on the person, muttering a sorry.

In front of him was dark haired boy. Louis did not just check him out, he was rather good looking. His eyes stopped at boy's wrist, he blinked few times to see if he was seeing right. On boys wrist was the same bracelet as Harry's and Louis frowned thinking this might be Harry's boyfriend.

"Mate, you okay?" he heard the boy say and he looked up at him.

"Um..do you know anyone named Harry?" Louis asked, mentally facepalming himself.

"Well, yeah, he's my best mate...wait how did you know?" The boy raised eyebrows, but then it hit him, Harry has told him about...about Louis Tomlinson. How didn't he recognise it at first.

"Y-your bracelet, I..well..met Harry at club like week ago and I'm actually looking for him all this time. And he dropped exactly the same one, so I assumed." Louis said, pointing at his wrist.

"I'm Zayn Malik and idiot lost our friendship bracelet. You were looking for him?" Zayn smirked knowingly.

"Yeah..but I want you to give him bracelet back and tell him my greetings." Louis said, taking bracelet off and handing it to Zayn.

"Mr. Tomlinson... I can get you to Harry. But I'll give this to him as well." Zayn smiled at Louis, really wanting him to meet Harry again, because what Louis didn't know is that Harry was talking about him a lot. And Zayn knew that well.

"Really? And please call me Louis, I'm only 22." Louis beamed at Zayn.

"Yes, really."


Louis was so happy, he found Harry, well strangely but he did. Fate must really be wanting them to meet again, Louis thought to himself as he messed with paper Zayn gave him. It was collage address. Zayn has told him when exactly to get there. Louis was pretty excited, he had their dorm number on paper too.

When it was the time Zayn said, Louis was running around his room and getting ready. He hopped in his car and drove off in collage direction. After 15 minutes of ride he got there. He got out of the car and entered building. He heard some squealing and turned to see three girls peeking from their dorm probably. They must've recognised him, he thinks. He turned to walk again, looking for dorm he needs to find. He finally stopped at dorm number 33. He was just about to knock on the door, when someone turned him around.

"Malik's and Styles' room, why?" A blonde girl, one of the three from before asked.

"For some personal reason, sorry but not telling you." Louis, smiled politely at her, even though she annoyed him already for stopping him. But he at least got to know Harry's surname.

"Well, Styles is gay, I hope you don't have to do anything with him." she said disgusted and walked away which made Louis boil inside. He wanted to scream that he is gay too and that he fancies Harry but he couldn't have her to know, she didn't look like someone who's keep a secret.

He took a deep breath and finally knocked on the door. The door opened soon, revealing Harry. Louis smiled at him though he was very nervous.

"L-Louis? What are you doing here?" Harry widened his eyes as if he saw a ghost.

"First of all, can I come in?" Louis asked, at what Harry nodded and moved away. Louis walked in, passed by Harry who was picking dirty clothes from floor.

"Sorry for the mess." Harry said apologetically. "There's chair, bed, you can sit anywhere."

Louis nodded and sat down on the chair. He cleared his throat, looking at Harry who sat at one of two beds. "I came here to talk with you.. I suppose Zayn told you some things."

"He did, he gave me bracelet from you and said your greetings. And he..he said you were looking for me." Harry said, feeling guilt filling him even more because he left Louis like that, yet he still looked for him.

Louis sighed. "Why did you leave without goodbye?"

That question hit Harry like ton of bricks, he felt even worse now, he wasn't able to say anything, he just sat there looking anywhere but at Louis.

"Harry, I have never ever felt so stupid in my life, I was so pissed. You left me there drunk, waiting but you never came back..." Louis mumbled, staring at Harry.

"I-I...look, you're famous, I didn't want to be your one night stand or end up in celebrity news or what ever. Someone would surely see us.." Harry said honestly. "I'm sorry, I should say goodbye, it was very rude of me."

"You must be really blind if you didn't notice how I liked spending time with you that night. You're really amazing Harry, I would never use you. And if me looking for you isn't enough of a proof, I don't know what is." Louis said, getting up from chair and sitting next to Harry on the bed.

Harry blushed. "Well..I...uh..I liked spending time with you, you're nice looking and funny. I feel terrible, I'm sorry.."

"Just forget about that. I know you will need time to get used of me being famous. For start, I want us to start hanging out in public, like friends and to get know each other better. I'll wait for as long as you will need to get used to that. Does that sound any good?"

Harry looked up at Louis and nodded. "It sounds great actually."

"Here, I want you and Zayn to come to my game in two weeks. I think it's a good start." Louis handed Harry two tickets for football game.

"I'd defiantly love to watch you play live!" Harry smiled and scanned tickets with his eyes. It melted Louis' heart, he smiled back at Harry.

"Then I'll see you, cheerleader?"

"Definitely!" Harry nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

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