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Important: This story takes place 10 years into the future, eveyones moved on with life, the girls have split apart, but what happens when they bump into eachother and all their feelings come back

I watch as the rain drips onto the busy streets of new york, i find comfort in the rain. Its always peaceful. "Bettyyyy" my neice Jessica screams as she runs into my apartment building, i look up at polly and then back and my beautiful 10 year old neice.

"Hows my faverouite neice?" I ask, her smile grows wide at my words. She rolls her eyes then giggles a bit, her red hair bouncing on her shoulders.

"Im your only neice" she says through her laughter, her giggles are contagious, i soon start laughing too. Polly smiles at the scene.

"Jess, mind going and making me and your auntie some tea?" Polly smiles at me, then hugs me. Jessica goes off to make the tea.

"You know Betty, i always expected you too stay in Riverdale, like mother" i understand where pollys coming from, i used to love that town. But the town became so dark and twisted i had to leave. I look at the ground.

"Yeah, i know, just after everything that happened i had to leave" i look at her as she nods understandingly. She always understands me. Jessica walks back into the room, carefully trying not to spill the tea.

"So why new york?" Polly asks, a hint of curiosity in her voice. Her eyes keep looking at the street through the window behind me. I couldnt really answer that question, did i move here in hope to find her again?

"well, one of my oldest friends used to talk so highly of new york, i had to see what the fuss is about" i didnt mean to bring her up but i did. Polly smiles, she knows somethings up.

"Is this Veronica Lodge?" She asked, hearing her name sent shivers up my spine, are my old feelings still there? Of course not.. it was a silly crush.. i think? I never really got the chance to tell Veronica how i felt after she started dating Archie.

"Yeah.." she smiles a bigger smile, i just look at her, confused. I look down at Jessica, pure blossom blood. My mind wanders onto the thought of Veronica Lodge. Everything about her was mystetious and intriguing, i miss her.

Polly and I talk for a while before she leaves to go back to her hotel, I want her to stay here in my apartment but its really small and theres only one room. We hug goodbye, then she leaves. I walk to my kitchen and open the fridge, shit! No food, guess im going to the store.

i grab a packet of oreos from the shelf, yum. I sharply turn around and bang into someone, what the- "BETTY?" I shout, smiling. Its been so long, i feel my heart beat against my ribcage.

Her perfect cheeks blush a pink colour, "veronica, its been a while" she says, smiling her beautiful smile.. my eyes flutter down to her lips, i never got that goodbye kiss i wanted- oh god Veronica get a grip, this isnt highschool. I feel the urge too hug her, its too strong to fight, so i hug the perfect blonde.

"We have so much to catch up on V" she says, everything comes rushing back to me, the warm feelings, the memories from highschool, everything. I love that she still calls me V after all these years.

"We really do" i say, my smile still on my face, hurting my cheeks a bit. She smiles, we just stand there, enjoying eachothers presence.

"Would you like to come over maybe ? For dinner, im going to be alone anyway" my heart races at her offer, i would love to come over! She smiles at me.

"That would be fun" i say, probably too excitedly, i dont care though, im happy right now.

A/n - hey! I worked really hard on this and im kinda proud 💓 if you havent go read - sashay || unwanted (a book by me) and the emison story on our account by the other owner.

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