April 3rd | 2013

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April 3rd | 2013

Hello diary, yes I know I've left you neglected during the past week but we have this huge philosphy exam and I joined a studygroup and THANKS GOD for that because I swear I couldn't understand a thing. The exam was today though, and I'm pretty sure it went well... Kind of.

Yesterday I get my letter from uni and I'M ACCEPTED! I'll be studying sociology next year and I still can't believe it. The lads got their letters too. Liam was accepted here too (obviously) and Zayn still have to choose between Doncaster uni or the one in London he applied for. He should go to London, if you ask me. Graphic design and art are far more rentable careers there than in Donny but I'm not that sure that he'll survive in the big city by himself... time will tell. Niall is getting all excited about the topic even if he's a year younger and still has to wait another good twelve months for uni. Oh and Lou is going to study drama here too! I'm so happy beause for a moment I thought he was going to London, wich is a way more logical  decision,being honest with you. But he said that he wants to study here no matter what. I think Liam and I almost threw a party when he told us.

Talking of Lou, we went to his house today.. We were supposed to work on a essay for school but we got distracted (as always) and ended up watching half of a crappy movie. Then Lottie came home and Jay asked us to walk her to her ballet class. Liam left early, something about his parents arguing again. I really do hope everything's alright over there. Since the divorce Liam's been exremely stressed all the time. The worst part is that both his mum and dad rely on him to solve the problems between them two. Sometimes I feel bad when Louis makes fun of Liam because he's always distracted, he must have his head full of things and the less he actually needs is us laughing at him.

Talking about other things... Today Niall showed me a video he thought it was amazing... Well, in fact it certainly was. It shows like an alternative world were being gay is like the 'right thing' and being heterosexual is considered wrong and all that stuff. And it's a fucking strong video. That poor little girl suffers so much...

You know that even if I get emotional over evrerything I'm not the kind of guy who cries. But I swear to God that I could feel the tears prickling behind my eyes. And I'm not exactly that sure why it got me that bad. I mean, Niall was a bit emotional too but I feel like I could start crying and sobbing in any moment. It was just... 

It fucking remind me of Louis, okay?

And I don't want that. I had mananaged to keep him out of my mind for a whole month, thinking of him just like a friend and this shit

happens... I'm cursing way too much, Lord. Whatever, I don't want to think about that. I'm really hoping I forget about all this stuff soon. It's probably just a kind of phase because we've got so much closer during the past months... Yes. It has to be that.

Ugh, Liam is insisting in dragging me to a party in one of our mates' house but I don't really feel like going. Zayn laughed at me the other day when I was complaining about socializing with people at parties. I just don't feel that comfortable sourrounded by completly strangers... and sometimes when they're not strangers is even worse. So no, I won't go tonight.

I think this is it for tonight.

Write you soon,



Update: Liam actually fucking drag me to the party. I thought Louis was going too but it turned to be just Li, Josh, Dan Nick and me.

I love the lads too but they understand me even less that Liam or Lou and it was... well, akwards. I wish I hadn't gone, to be honest.



Okay, this is kind of the second chapter... I hope you like it. Thank you so much for the four votes, may sound silly but it really made me happy to see them. (And fifty read, omg) Also a huge thatnks to Marlou, this chapters goes to you 'cause you're and amazing writer and an inspiration :)

Much love xx

Oh, and it case you haven't seen it yet, I left the video in media for you to watch it. It's truly amazing.

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