Chapter 7

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I'm sorry I kind of forgot these stories existed. Thanks @Yojeonyanih for reminding me!


Suga POV:

It was late. Not that I sleep anyway, but Daichi said he wanted me to stay with him because he was "worried". I found it really sweet of him, personally I would be too freaked out.

"Suga..." he calls quietly from his bed.

"Daichi, why are you still awake?" I say matching his quiet tone.

"Just making sure you stayed. Also, I've been worried about you... tell me what you were thinking about." He says sitting up to look at me.

"Daichi, you're very sweet and I'm so grateful to be able to talk to you. But, you don't know me from a hole in the head. It concerns me that you are so quick to trust. So, before I share anything with you. Tell me, please tell me why you are so adamant on helping me?" I stammer.

He takes a deep breathe. He pauses for what feels like an eternity.

"Suga, to tell you the truth I don't know. I've told you before... what I didn't tell you though, is that when I first saw you, I had this huge wave of nostalgia. Like we had met before. But, I chose to ignore it, and focus on the fact that you needed help." He admits, voice deep, and head held low.

It was as if he didn't know how to process these emotions. Like a baby speaking for the first time, a lot a gibberish.

"I suppose that's better than nothing... my turn I guess. Well, I just can't shake the feeling I'm a burden to you... also I'm centuries old. I've been here a long time and I don't know why. I also am some what like a timebomb... I could just cease to exist, or possibly turn into the demons from your movies and books... I would never want that to happen, and you get caught up in the madness..." I spat out quickly.

"Suga..." is all he answers.

There is a lull in our conversation. Neither of us talked for a few minutes. Until Daichi decides to break the silence.

"Listen, I don't know what it is, but you're here for a reason. There is got to be a reason I can hear and see you, and vice versa. So I wouldn't pay too much mind to it. If it's any consolation, I'd hug you if I could?" He attempt to comfort me.

I laugh a little.

"I'd hug you back, but it would be kind of weird... talk about getting touched by death." I say with a dry laugh.

"Good night, Suga." He slurs, sleep taking over slowly.

"Good night Daichi." I say in a low whisper.

'There is got to be a reason I can see and hear you...'
Those words rang in my head, like bells from a temple.

The more I think about it the more comforted I begin to feel. Although, I didn't feel it initially, I began to feel something similar to what Daichi was trying to explain. There was this aura of familiarity every time we were together. It's almost like we clicked immediately.

With a sigh I walked over to Daichi's bed. I perched myself on the side of the bed.

Everything was quiet and I was reading one of Daichi's books, when out of no where, Daichi started thrashing in his sleep.

"NO!" He screamed in his sleep.

"DONT HURT HIM!" He cried.

I put the book down quickly and gently placed my pale-dead hand on his forehead.

"Shhhh. Daichi, you're ok, everything is ok. I'm here..." I murmured.

His breathing slowed and he became peaceful again.

Let out a breath I had been holding (metaphorically) and picked up the book again.

But, I didn't want to read. That was extremely concerning.

I kept my hand on his forehead. I wasn't sure if he could feel my hand or not, but I decided it was best to leave it there anyway. I moved my hand back and force, pushing his hair back.

In an inexplicable way, I feel like Daichi and I are connected through something. We haven't know each a long time, but I feel like I've known him for years. Maybe it's because I haven't talked to anyone in a really long time, but it feels like there's more to it.

After what seemed like hours, I decided to get off the bed, carefully lifting my hand off Daichi's forehead. I swear I saw a frown tug at his lips. Guess he did feel my hand on his head. I wonder what it feels like. Does it feel like flesh, does it feel cold? Does it feel like air or maybe even water? I wouldn't know. Physical touch has been lost to me for centuries. I am no longer upset about it though. I'm happy I at least get to listen and talk to Daichi. That's enough for me at the moment. He's enough for me.

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