Chapter 11: Getting Settled

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The next day Aichian got all her stuff packed. At about 9:30am the moving truck arrived to pick up Aichian's things. After it was fully packed she sent it off. When it was fully out of her site she walked back inside to say goodbye. When she walked back in everyone was present except for Aichi and Kai. Aichian asked "Where's Aichi and Kai?" Shizuka looked at her daughter with sad eyes "Aichi's up in his bedroom. He's taking your leave very hard. Kai's trying to comfort him but that's something he's not very good at." "Let me go talk to him." As Aichian said that she walked up stair to her  brother's room. When she arrived she knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Aichian could hear the sadness in his voice and she frowned "It's Aichian. Can I come in?" Aichi was sad and didn't want to see anyone besides Kai "No!". Aichian was sad at her brother's response and walked in anyway "Aichi I need to talk to you. Now and I'm not playing!" Aichi was surprised at his sister's tone and looked at her "What do you want to talk about?!" Aichian glared at her brother knowing he's acting like this because she's leaving "I came here to talk to you about me leaving. I have to explain something to you." Kai saw Aichian's glare and decided to leave the room. Aichian was happy Kai left, that way she could talk to her brother in private. "Aichi I'm leaving in a few moments, but I'm not going far. I just came to see if your okay and if we could talk, but I guess I was wrong. So I guess I'll just leave now. Bye Aichi." Aichian started to walk away, but was stopped by her brother's hand. He looked at her with eyes that said 'Please stay a little longer. I don't want you to leave.' Aichian smiled "I'll stay a little longer Aichi, but I have to get a few things straight with you first. First I want to tell you that I'm not going far at all. You can always find me when you want to. Second I will always keep you updated on where I am at all times. Third I will come visit you when I can or you can come visit me. And finally I'm not leaving you, I will always be here for you whenever you need me." Aichi smiled "I think I can live with that, and your right you really want be far from me. I really am glad your my sister Aichian, I know you'll make a great Ultra Rare idol." Aichian smiled "Thanks Aichi. I'm also glad that your my brother. I love you." Aichi hugged Aichian "I love you too Aichian." After the hug ended Aichian said goodbye and left for her new home. Aichian was happy her brother felt better. It made her day brighter knowing he accepted her moving. When she arrived at the Tatsunagi building she walked in and found her way to her new bedroom. When she walked in the room her eyes grew wide. Her bedroom was huge. She could have fit a whole herd of elephants in it. Aichian walked all the way in and smiled. The room was decorated with her favorite blue. There was also some white in it as well. It had a huge bed on the right side of the room. It also had a bathroom to the right side of the room, a desk to the left of the room, and almost everything she ever wanted or needed. Aichian loved it so much. While she was at aww Kourin walked in and smiled. She was glad Aichian made it (through the auditions and made it in time.). Aichian smiled when she saw Kourin walk in the room and said "Hey Kourin." Kourin smiled "Hey Aichian, Do you like your room?" "I love it! Thank you guys so much!" Kourin smiled "Your welcome, but most of this was Takuto's idea." "Really I better go thank him." With that Aichian left the room following Kourin to go find Takuto. When they found Takuto he was really busy and they decided to leave, but before they could leave Takuto stopped them. "Hello Aichian and Kourin, what brings you by?" Aichian smiled "Well I came to thank you for my room and maybe talk a little, but you seem really busy so I'll just go." Takuto stopped her again "Aichian I can take a few minutes off so we can talk." Aichian hid her face "I don't want to bother you." Takuto smiled "You'll never bother me. It's normally this busy anyway. But if you or any of the other Ultra Rare girls need me I'll stop. Ok got it?" Aichian smiled "Got it thanks Takuto." "So what did you want to talk about?" Aichian smiled "Oh yeah, I wanted to talk about when I start." Takuto thought for a few moments then responded "You start tomorrow. Our rehearsals are down stairs and then we have a show at 9:30, but since you live here I'll just send one of the maids or one of the girls." Aichian smiled "Thanks Takuto I'll let you get back to work." Takuto smiled "No problem Aichian, I'm always here for you and the others." Aichian smiled then walked away with Kourin beside her. When they made it to Aichian's room they started unpacking all if Aichian's clothes and things. After awhile they finally finished and were tired. Then they herd someone walk in the room. They looked up to see it was a maid. "Hey sorry to interrupt you Ms.Kourin and Ms.Aichian." Aichian and Kourin smiled at the maid "It's fine, what do you need?" The maid smiled "I came to tell y'all dinner is served." Aichian and Kourin smiled "Thank you will be down in a few.". With that the maid walked out, and Kourin and Aichian got up. They walked down stair to the dinner table and are their dinner. Everyone commented the cook on how good the food was. After everyone got done commenting the cook everyone went up stairs to their rooms. Aichian smiled as she fell asleep ready for tomorrow.

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