Chapter 1 // there is no fear

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There's no doubt I should be hiding in a basement or going to the Chapel hoping for my prayers to be heard. Yet, here I sit in my aunt's cottage house enjoying a loaf of bread while knowing death is coming.

It hasn't even been twenty-four hours since a messenger boy from Lordaeron came down to Silverpine to warn us of the flesh-eating beasts tearing the city walls downs and its habitants. Everyone was skeptical at first and had a hard time believing the scrawny and suspicious boy who came out of no where.

A few hours later of his arrival, the Townhall of Evermill had a public meeting. We gathered at midnight only to hear the rumors had become truths. The Council's mage, Marathor, had conducted some communication spell to Lordaeron. Whoever was on that other side barely managed to return the call but was soon devoured down by a grotesque beast. Or so they say.

There were no great warriors, or remarkable mages in Evermill. It was a simple village made for trade and harvest. So, when the news spread, the people rushed to gather their belongings. Everything went havoc. My mother, who was no resident of this place, reacted the same way. Regret filled her whole and it showed on her fearful face very well.

We were no residents of Evermill. My mother, Wilmara, had traveled two weeks worth of a caravan ride to visit my aunt, Ymir. Although, it wasn't really a visit. I'm sure if things didn't turn out to be so horrid, we'd be living here. There's plenty of reason why.

My father, Karicker Juleson, was a follower of Lord Crowley. He frequently read about him in the newspaper and talked seriously with my mother of the possibility of the Greymane Wall opening up. My father had lost property ever since the wall cut us out. It was good property that fed the family and kept income in our pockets. So, you can imagine how infuriating it was for my father and mother to lose it all.

Without hesitation, the Juleson family, marked themselves as Northgate rebellion support. However, that went down hill very quickly when Lord Crowley was imprisoned. We ended up losing more than we could afford: My father, along with my brothers Richard and Philias.

  These were the backbone of the Juleson family. Now, the only thing left was a devastated mother and daughter with no future ahead of them. That's when it occurred in my mother's bright head, the Keywald's.

With the little money we had left and the other extra coins we got from selling all our house valuables, we sent forth to Lordaeron. My mother was so desperate to live in peace she had abandoned her lover and husband. This is why I particularly disliked the idea at first.

Now, not so much. Sure, there might be a horde of grotesque beasts coming our way, but isn't that just karma? I think fate played it all out for us. It weaved everyone's story whole for all of us to die together. Fate has no mercy for the young, weak, poor, or anyone living. My father always spoke of fate as if she was a goddess. I guess it's stuck with me since.

The first couple weeks in Evermill were uncomfortable and icky. I had never knew my aunt personally or the Keywald's in general. So, having to live with them and greet them everyday was out of my comfort zone. My mother never told the bloody truth about my father and brothers nor did she talk about her other ideas about staying here.

Within several weeks, the Keywald's didn't hesitate to show annoyance at our presence. There's a reason why my aunt left Pyrewood, I thought.

Yet, when last night's terrible events occurred, the Keywald's desperately begged for us to take them to Pyrewood. Their desperation to live now was no different from mother's need to escape. How the cycle of karma trickles on.

Meanwhile, a fourteen-year-old girl sits back and relaxes with tea in one hand and bread in the other. There was no escape, it was obvious the minute the Council of Evermill never moved from their spots. Their sunken eyes, the shadow hovering their spirits, and the dried lips they never bothered to was as if they accepted their fate.

There was no caravan back. There wasn't enough horses for the village of Evermill to ride on. Even if we somehow managed to escape to Pyrewood, who says our fate would be any different? It's not like the beasts can't move. They bloody damn can. In addition, Greymane's Wall won't open to its enemies, not even to its own people.

So, I'd rather enjoy my last cup of tea.

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