Chapter 3 - Hope Isn't Lost!

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Standing at the altar, King Alfred fidgeted with his sleeves. He was wearing a black suit, which he called his funeral suit. A rather appropriate description, actually. He felt like he was at a funeral. His own. His life would never been the same after today.

Even with Prince Mathew, his brother, standing by his side, giving him concern glances, Alfred would not remove the scowl from his face. He wanted everyone to know how bitter he felt. He didn’t care. He would marry Marietta out of duty alone. Nothing else.

Alfred’s frown deepened when the wedding waltz started playing. Any second now, Marietta would walk down the aisle and ruin his life.

With his brother acting as best man, it did little to quell Alfred’s resentment. He hoped and prayed that something would happen and Marietta wouldn’t make it to the church. Her running away and leaving him standing at the altar would be a dream come true!

The music played, going through the full song. There was a moment of silence before the music started up again, replaying the well-known wedding song. Quite strange as this was the signal for the bride to appear. Yet, the aisle remained empty. There wasn’t even any of the flower girls or the ring bearer.

Alfred shared a look with Mathew, both blonds wondering what was going on and Alfred couldn’t help but feel a bit hopeful.

People were starting to whisper amongst themselves as the doors at the back of the church remained tightly shut. Where was the bride? She could not have done the unthinkable, could she?

Suddenly, the doors of the church flung open. Alfred felt his heart drop, but he quickly regained his hope when the advisor to the Cups Kingdom stood there, looking dishevelled and haggard.

“My sincerest apologies,” he said in a hasty manner. “But it seems that Princess Marietta has…fled her own wedding?”

“What?!” Yao gasped and hurried his way down the church aisle and toward the other man. He was given a piece of paper, which he quickly read. He nodded every now and again, taking a moment to double check it.

After he was satisfied, he hurried his way back up the aisle and to Alfred. “Well, it appears that the Princess of Cups had decided that she would forfeit the arranged marriage to pursue the King of Hearts.”

Alfred immediately perked up. “She's gone?”

“Yes,” Yao said as he started to wave around the piece of paper in his hand, which happened to be a hastily written letter by Marietta. “She removed her wedding gown quite hastily after His Majesty Ludwig had caught her attention. For some reason. Perhaps she wanted a engagement?”

“Ludwig?” Alfred repeated, feeling really confused now. He and the Kingdom of Hearts weren’t on the best terms. Sure, they weren’t enemies, but they weren’t really friends either. “What does he have to do with any of this?”

Yao shrugged. “That’s unknown.”

Alfred shook his head and decided to return to the most important question. “What does all this mean, Yao? Get to the point!”

“The arrangement between the Kingdom of Spades and the Kingdom of Cups has been forfeited,” Yao stated loudly, enough for everyone in the church to hear. “You don't have to marry the Princess of Cups anymore. As referred to in the contract, if one party had decided not to go through with the wedding, than the contract is over. That means you are free to marry whoever you wish.”

“Really!?” Alfred yelled, his excitement quite blatant. He then turned to Mathew and grabbed him by the shoulders. “Did you hear that, Mattie?!”

“I heard, Alfred.”

“Then go find Arthur, now!”

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