The Saga of Waves...🌊💦

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Emerging from the brilliance
Of the beautiful white mountains...
The river trickles down
Down, steep slope...
The waves sparkle in the sun
Carrying the purity of the hills...
Mingling it with the energy
Of the rising sun...

In the vast Greenlands
Like a girl's dreamlands...
The waves release the magic
Of the sacred soil of mountains...
Humanity cherishes the scene
Farmers became serene...
But the waves still continue
Their journey of dreams...

At last their journey ends
In the vast seas with blue tint...
The waves finally rest their soul
With their deeds providing a hint...
Of the destination they'll reach
Never forget the strength of nature
The driving force that formed the creature...

The waves will never stop in the way
Like the rising sun everyday......

In The World Of My Thoughts...❤❤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz