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Authors note: I hope you enjoy the first couple chapters. If you like it, please let me know so I know I have readers. I think this novel will be quite different so we will see how it turns out. :)

The day was tomorrow. Everyone was silently packing their suitcases. I glanced over at Jenny to see how far she'd come. Not very far. Half her case was packed with keys, locks, jars and old toys that I remembered using as a child.

"I remember those." I quietly said to her across the room when she picked up another jar filled with old bits from the toy creatures. She looked over to me and smiled. I gave a slight smile back and she packed the jar in her rotting bag. I turned back to my own suitcase and finished packing the last of my own jars and memories. I looked around our dirty room and snapped my suitcase closed. As I lifted it onto my old bed I sighed. Oh, I wondered how it would be out there. To see what I hadn't seen since I was a small child. I didn't know how the world really worked. I didn't understand. I would probably never understand. I've heard all those myths about the children before me getting a glimpse of the outside world, but I had no idea if they were true. People talked about the metal orbs that rain liquid in the sky or that the day never ends, it's just bright always. Those were all myths. Who knows how the world would really be? If it really is all that bright. I've never really seen brightness. Well, besides small candles, broken flashing lamps in the classrooms or the searching Lookers. I had heard the myths about this so called 'sun'. It sounded wild. I a bright day like that. I had no idea how that would be or how it would feel like. I lay down on my hard bed thinking about how my life would be in less than an hour. I looked around the room that I had known since I was six. Those dirty walls. Those unorganized boxes and passageways. Those soft spots in the walls of my friend. Oh, my friend. My Old Friend. The most trusted friend in the school. Well, I mean that doesn't sound right, but still. My Old Friend who would be the only thing I would have a hard time leaving. I looked up in the ceiling and saw the dried drippings of The Crawler. We never really did kill it, but that's fine. Hopefully it will be retired for the next couple years.

As I lay in my bed for the last time, the ceiling light's flickered as if they were saying goodbye. I smiled and sat up. I felt the floor knock slightly on the bottom of my foot and I looked down. It was definitely a goodbye.

Jen, Mimi and Quinn had finished packing. They were a lot quieter than usual. I guess they were also taking their time to say goodbye to our home. The door slowly opened and Kremer walked in, her short bob haircut as neat as ever.

"Good afternoon ladies. You need to leave now if you're ready." She said strictly and closed the door. Me, Jenny, Mimi and Quinn all looked at each other and smiled.

"We need to stay in touch somehow." Quinn said and closed her own case. We all agreed and got our bags ready. Since Mimi and Quinn were closest to the door, like they'de been the past years of our childhood, they got to the door first and Mimi opened it. I looked over to Jen and smiled. Finally the day had come.

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