Missing You (Ten/Rose)

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First one shot I wrote about this TV show I love with all my hearts.


He couldn’t help it but he had to watch her while she was asleep. She was the most beautiful creature in the universe and watching her while she was sleeping was just sublime; looking how peacefully she seemed, how lovely she was, it was beyond words. Her delicate features were resting against a pillow and her soft and warm skin that he loved to touch every day was being caress by a white cloth. Oh, how he envied that pillow! She was so close yet so far away at the same time. If he was just capable of reaching her, touching her for one last time— But he couldn’t. He wasn’t part of her life anymore.

He squeezed his fits trying to control his impulse of reaching her, his whole skin itching for the urge of touching her. Oh, Rose Tyler, his beautiful Rose was in her bed sleeping oblivious to his presence in her room. She hadn’t met him yet, but in that time was his only chance to see her because he couldn’t reach her in that other parallel world and he needed to see her, even from far. He missed her so badly, desperately since that horrid day when he had to say goodbye to his beloved Rose. Yes, he moved on with his life, but nothing was the same without her.


Sometimes, when the pain for her absence was too big for bearing it, too big for even sleeping, too big for just breathing; he used the TARDIS to travel in time to those days when Rose was still a part of her planet Earth, when he hadn’t appeared in her life to destroy everything she had. He just wanted to see her, to check if she was all right, if she was smiling. Oh, her smile, how he missed her smile. Every time she did that the whole universe seemed brighter and more beautiful.

He extended his hand closer to her, dying for running his fingers through her blonde hair, for touching her skin, for kissing her. The guilt of having not told her that he also loved her was killing him every bloody day. If he had had just five more seconds that day the pain in his chest wouldn’t be so strong. But he didn’t have those five seconds, now he had to live with that.

She sighed in her sleep and rolled to her other side. He froze on his spot expecting her to open her eyes and catching him where he wasn’t supposed to be, but she kept asleep and he breathed again. He shouldn’t be in her room, but he couldn’t leave, not yet at least. Just a few minutes more, that was all he needed, a bit more of his Rose.

The dawn started to break. It was time to leave her and carry on with his life, his life without her. He knew that he was going to come back to see her again another day, to see her smile, to see her hazel eyes sparkling every time she laughed, to see her walking in the street, to hear her voice when she talked to her mum. He would watch her from far, listen her hiding somewhere where she couldn’t see him.

“Sleep well, my sweet Rose. When you wake up ,I’ll still be missing you,” the Doctor whispered then he left the room leaving the women he loved more than anything behind, the women he couldn’t have anymore.

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