Chapter 1

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Naruto woke up to the sun in his face and a pair of arms around his waist, his body facing his lover. He watched him sleep seeing his  beautiful mask-less face debating on how to wake him then smiled and leaned in capturing his loves lips with his smirking when he felt the man under him shift and respond.

"Good morning Kashi." Naruto responded happily.
Naruto Uzumaki Namikaz age 18 and Kakashi Hatake age 24 have been together for two years and four months. They met in anbu and have gotten close when on missions. Kalashi's anbu name was Inu where Naruto's name was Kitsune.  They have been inseparable nothing could tear them apart, that is until the Hokage told Naruto he had to go undercover to look after the last Uchiha. Naruto was of course going to decline but he had to follow the Hokage's orders. The good thing is Kakashi made sure he was their Jounin Sensei. The only thing he despises is his mask. He has to Henge into a 12 year old kid who is annoying, happy, and a oblivious idiot which clashs with is fun, sneaky, quiet, semi-clingy (only to kakashi) cute but deadly anbu kitsune personality.
"If this is how you will wake me up in the morning I'd go to sleep more often." Kakshi said running his hands down Naruto's back making him shiver.

Naruto looked lovingly into Kakashi's eye's before getting up making Kakashi pout.

"So what's the plan for today?" Naruto said while getting dressed.

Kakashi looked towards Naruto before getting out of bed and getting dressed. He wore his usual Konoha's standard infantry clothing. A flak jacket, dark blue pants, and a long-sleeve shirt. He also put on finger-less gloves with metal plates on the backhand. He looked towards him about to respond when he was nearly blinded and grimaced. "What...are you wearing. " Kakashi muttered looking at the hideous orange jumpsuit.

Naruto looked to his boyfriend and sighed. "This is part of my mask." He muttered looking sad and grimace. 'A little orange is okay but this amount of orange is over board.' He thought applying a henge to make him look smaller.

Kakashi walked over to naruto and kissed him on the lips.  "I love you anyway. And, " smirks, " your late for class."

Naruto looked at the time that read 9:00. "Kuso! (Damn) Bye Kashi!" He said giving him a quick peck on the lips and ran out the door towards the academy.

Kakshi laughed and headed towards the tower.
When naruto arrived he barged in the class room. "SORRY IM LATE!" He yelled gaining everyones attention.

Iruka who was teaching class looked at the intruder. "Eh naruto what-" He was cut off by naruto forcibly shoving a paper in his hands. He looked at the paper.

Dear Iruka,

Naruto is a "new" student. Treat him well he's a bit loud. If you have any questions please come see me.

Signed, The Hokage

Iruka sighed. 'So he's undercover huh.' He thought looking at Naruto and grimcaed at the ugly jumpsuit poor kid has to be someone else. "Please introduce yourself."

"Hi, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, i like ramen, and foxes. I hate how it takes 3 minutes to make ramen and i want to be Hokage Dattebayo! " Naruto said giving a piece sign. 

'This year just got a whole lot stressful.'


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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