Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bone but Only You Can Break My Heart

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(Hurro cuties~! Sorry for the long chapter title, but it fits well~~~ Enjoy! Also, !!!WARNING!!!
Some triggering content which includes, bullying, rape, beating, and self-harm. You have been warned!!!)

I walked into class silently, unnoticed by my peers. As always. Every day was the same. No one would talk to me, it was as if I was invisible. I had no classes with Jayden, and he stopped walk to and from school with me. So I was left friendless. I was all alone. All alone to deal with my problems. All alone to deal with my thoughts. I didn't notice but I began crying, apparently some kids noticed because he was soon pushed out of his chair. He looked up and feat filles him. The school bully and his crew were above me. They had bee. held back, maybe more than once, and loved beating the shit outta people for no reason. "Why're you crying? We didn't even do anything yet today." The oldest, and leader, Jackson said smirking. They had been pounding on me lately because I was an easy target and obviously depressed. I didn't say anything and looked down. "Talk, fag." He said. I winced, and because I was openly gay. All because of stupid Jayden. I was grabbed by my shirt collar and raised up to his level. "Did you hear me fag? Why are you crying?" He asked. I trembled, hanging in his grasp. "B-because of s-stuff at h-home." I managed to say before I started crying again. A fist slammed into my cheek and I cried more. I opened my eyes for a split second. No one noticed he was crying, nor that he was being beat. The punches continued nonstop, over and over again. Then the kneeing started. He kneed me right in the gut. I thought I was going to puke. He threw me to the ground and kicked me a few times before walking away, laughing with his friends. I got up and sat down, still trembling. This time, I put my face in my arms and cried quieter. 'Why? Why did he leave me? After he found out about what was going on with me he left me? Why? Why me? What did I do???' I thought to myself. I continued my questions and sobbed more. Soon the final bell rang and I headed to that place I call home. I opened the door and scanned the area, no bras or panties so my dad didn't have any hookers over. I walkes up to my room, I was so distracted by the questions I forgot to lock my door. After three minutes my door slammed open, the handle making the hole in my wall bigger. I looked at the door way and saw my obviously drunk father. He took a step forward and I shot to the wall. "P-please! N-not to-today!" I begged beginning to cry again. He smirked and walked towards me. All I could do was sit there and let him, I learned to stop fighting long ago. He grabbed my head and pushed me down on my bed. He layed my body out flat then raise my ass into the air. "But why? I thought you liked dick~." He whispered in my ear before biting it hard. I cried in pain and continued begging. "P-please! I-I d-don't w-want t-to! I-I d-don't l-like i-it!" I cried hopping he'd stop, but all he did was pull down my pants and underwear. "I don't care what you want, daddy can't afford a girl right now so you're gonna be his toy today~." He said before ramming into me. I screamed out in pain and tears shot down my cheeks as he began thrusting into me at an insane speed. He was touching me where a father shouldn't touch his kid. He was hurting me. This wasn't pleasurable at all. This however was not the first time he did it. This carried on for nearly an hour. Round after painful, miserable round. Until finally he pushed me down on my bed and left me there. I grabbed my knees and curled into a small ball. I cried for what felt like an hour, then closed and locked my door. I looked at my dirty, ruined bed. I moved my clean pillows and blankets onto the floor and slept. I woke up to banging at my door, but ignored my father and put my headphones on. I sighed and hugged my knees tighter.

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