*~Chapter one~*

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Scarlett's pov
"Hey Mimi" I shouted across the courtyard trying to run but got three text books in my arm finally catching up with her on our way to home room  "Boooooooring I am going to end up snoozing" said Mimi starting to huff and puff and I agreed but I still had to focus on the career my parents put up for me "Being a doctor " I said in a sign of dissapointment as Mimi could see on my perfectly tanned face well that's what she said anyways.....

Mimi's POV
She was the most popular girl in school but her life was tough and I was the only one who stood by her side and told her to chase her dreams but with her parents it wasn't  that easy "hey don't look down doctor,cashier even working on a market you will still be the greatest there" for a split second I saw a grin on her face but then she just dropped her head again whilst still walking to home room

30 minutes later 1st class

Text message from Mimi

Mimi ~hey you okay now 😉

Me~ Yeah but I do have to say look at Mr crosses new haircut😂😂😂

Mimi~ hey at least it makes you laugh💕❤

Me~ love you till I die

Mimi~ love you till I die❤
Mimi's POV
After that text I heard a cought quickly looking over my shoulder but no one was there but looking at Scarlett to find Mr cross squinting his eyes whilst moving his hand forward and Scarlett placed her phone on his palm then he walked back and shouted at the top of his lungs "NO MOBILE PHONES ALLOWED SO SCARLETT DETENTION AND MIMI DETENTION!!!"......

Scarlett's POV
Whilst writing on the board me and Mimi's detention there was a deadly silence until I broke it by saying "you can't take my phone its like taking your hair oh wait sorry forgot you didn't have any...." I didn't know what came over me I have never done that before Mimi stared at me her eyes widening and all of our classmates laughing as Mr cross stood there still silent then....

Mimi's pov
All of a sudden sir took her phone and walked out the room "To the principals office with you" Mr cross said and now I know why he is calls Mr cross me and scarlett both said "OH NO" as the principals Scarlett's mother....

After school

Mimi's POV
"Then...then she said I am a discrace to the family and I will never be good enough for anything other than being a immature little girl " Scarlett said in tears with her face tucked in my pillow lying on my bed I didn't know what to do as she then said "its time I finally live my own dream as we graduate next year and I don't wanna be a doctor" I knew what this meant but how is she going to do it when she has only had a week of lessons?.....

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