Girl problem

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So this is kinda a story. It won't be too long. But it's about a boy so you guys might be interested.

So I'm in an acting class and there's this boy who at first I kept my distance from because he's like, not exactly a good guy. Basically an ex-drug dealer and shit. But he was a friend of a friend. And basically it was May second. It was about 10 pm and earlier that evening I had had my play. And just a few days before I had started talking to this guy a little more and I began to like him. So my friend who's also friends with him called me and basically told me this guy (let's call him Oreo for now) likes me. So basically my friend gave me Oreo's number and I texted him. He told me himself that he likes me later that night. And the next day I told him I liked him too. But we weren't dating bc I didn't want  a bf. And so about 10 days passed. In that ten days, he told me he loved me. Also I questioned my feelings for him. I wasn't sure if I did feel that way for him. Then one Sunday, it hit me that I didn't. And so I told him. And it was over. That night the friend that set us up (who I coincidentally have a crush on) made me go to a movie with him, his dad and his little brother because I was really down bc Oreo blocked me. During the movie, Oreo texted me again but I didn't see it until I was home by which time he was asleep. The next week was shaky. We still texted him but he constantly was making me feel guilty and stuff. I saw him for our last acting class the Wednesday after I ended it and he was being an asshole and shit to the friend who set us up. Fast forward to the following Sunday. He had an episode. Before I get into this, lemme tell you. He's not mentally well. He has depression and is suicidal. When I ended with him he told me he almost killed himself (not sure I believe him though bc of what happens next). And then the Sunday I'm talking about he had an 'episode'. By that, I mean he made me think he was killing himself when really he was on a bus and had no way to. So he worried the shit out of me for nothing. The friend who set us up was already done with his drama so when I told him about Oreo freaking me out for no reason, he flipped and texted Oreo and they were at each other's throats. Oreo stopped texting me and I blocked him on the day after that. And we haven't talked since. And I know since he worried me and stressed
me out, I shouldn't miss him. But I do. And I hate myself for it.

Anyone have any interesting stories to do with their first boyfriend/girlfriend/person they liked that liked them back? Tell me in the comments if you like.

(Btw I lied. It's not a short story 😂)


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