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Kai's p.o.v
I broke up with Felicia after (Y/N) saw us at the mall Ugh I'm so fuckin stupid I thought as I walked to my dorm aphmau was there studying for her tests ugh collage is just like Highschool so mush homework

3 years later

I was at aphmau sleepover we were playing spin the bottle it was my turn so I spinned the bottle and it landed on kai kai blushed I didn't ugh I have to kiss a FuckingBoy who broke my bffs heart We both got up I kissed him rolled my eyes (Ein likes kai but he doesn't want to show it)and sat down we than got in our sleeping bags and slept the day after we ate breakfast and then left kai and I stayed to hang out I sighed mentally I can't believe I'm asking aph this we were in aphs room I sighed I asked aph for information about kai I may or may not like him I blushed a little But then  but snapped outta my thought when aph started talking After that we left To the mall aph wanted to go to hot topic so went to hot topic aph bought a Levi Ackerman Poster along with a jacket and a poster I just got a lanyard with Pokémon Characters on it we payed for our own separate things and left kai was on his phone the whole time which aph was mad about but we just didn't care we went to anime stores And stuff Then left Kai and aph walked to there dorm while I was going to my werewolf club I was the host of it So that After that I went to my dorm my roommate was Arron (If you
didn't remember)

I have ran out of ideas so that's the end

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